Ok so here I am. I don't feel like doing this on myspace because I don't know really want the person this is about reading this and I feel people here are much more honest
A while ago I met a girl, now I have no interest in dating this girl at this time whatsoever and never really have. Sure she and I share a strange connection that I can't quite explain.
I'm a nice dude for the most part, for those of you that don't know me so well, I do anything in the world to help a friend. Sometimes I get people stuff they want or give them things just because I feel inclined too.
I started talking to this girl while I was still dating my previous girlfriend, whom I still hang out with and still respect and care much for. We [the ex] just weren't working out. She needed to do a little growing up and gain some responsibility for her actions. The new girl was all on my stuff for serious. Wanting to do things with me and hang with me as well as hinting at a sexual attraction to me. At the time she lived in Denver. About a month or so later she came here to visit.
I have to admit, things moved far to fast. I was no longer with the girl I was previously dating, we had since split. The girl, I'll call her eh Joan (considering Naked Lunch is playing in the background) and I were having a pretty good time. My nerves were on high however, because I felt very pressured that everything should go a certain way, if that makes any sense at all. We got to kissing and feeling each other up and all that jazz, to the point where she was grindiing on my crouch to get herself to orgasm. (It must have been a really long time) We never had sex. Within the space of twenty minutes one night, she decided she didn't want whatever was going down between us. Like I said before things moved way too fast and I myself wasn't sure if what was happening was what I wanted considering where she lived, if she was going to move back here, or what. So my attitude was no harm no foul, no big deal.
She went back to Denver. I tried to keep in touch but she just stopped responding to me. I felt as though I wasn't worth talking to anymore in her opinon because if you ask me, if you can't take five minutes out of your day to respond to a text, it obviously means that the person talking to you isn't important enough to even bother with. So taking an educated guess on the situation, I wrote her a message telling her such, and that I didn't think it would be good for us to talk to one another anymore given how I felt about the situation. This talk went back and forth for one or two messages until she started taking the conversations negative. Not once did I slam her or try to put her down, just simply, "It seems that you either a) dont have time for me or b) im just not important for you to speak to anymore." Either or people my age need to have the balls to talk about stuff. So naturally I took personal offense to her not responding to me in the first place, even something as simple as a text asking how her day was. Its really not too much to ask. Everybody gets busy and doesn't have time but literally 30 seconds to respond give me a break. All in all I blocked her and stopped speaking to her once she went negative.
I have a pretty soft heart so after time, I thought maybe she would handle things a little differently the second time around. So roughly six months after I told her, I approached her just basically saying that if she wanted to talk or whatever we could. She did and we began talking again.
Everything had been cool up until a couple days ago. She started getting distant and I have no idea why. Sure she would talk if i talked to her, but she wouldn't initiate. She would hang with me for a couple hours and then hang out with somebody else for over 12 whom she thinks is lying to her and smokes around her, which she profusely loathes. Now tonight, she's right across the street at one of her friends house's near my work, I had texted her the night before after getting back home from her place saying I was alright. Now she hadn't responded all day, and if I'm as awesome as she claims I am you'd think she stop by to say hey, considering she lives about thirty minutes away. NO text NO show. So currently I'm about ready to cut the cord on her again.
If you know me really well, you'll know I'm fair, honest, up front, and loving. If you're one of my close friends I would seriously give you my left kidney if you needed it. I've done nothing but be nice to this bitch and she wants to treat me like that?! I refuse to let anyone get away with treating me that way, especially when I haven't done anything to deserve it. I don't know iif my being nice to her, and hanging with her has given her the wrong impression that I'm trying to get her in a relationship (which im not and have told her as much) or if she just thinks its a waste of time. I personally have no idea. All I know is I have ZERO time for this kind of bullshit out of someone. I don't want to be overly obnoxious but I'm a FANTASTIC dude, I DO NOT scheme, play games, lie or anything that I could see being destructive to someone else. If I don't like you, I tell you or I just don't talk to you! I guess it all comes down to a lack of maturity, but thats what I'm kind of asking for here. Do you think I'm crazy to just stop talking to her, not try to initiate any conversation or do you think I should confront her? I virtually have no interest in ever speaking to her again, however I don't want to blow things up if there's no need to hence, why I haven't done so yet.
It all comes down to, you don't treat me like shit, and don't even think you can pull one on me. I'm freaking 24 going on 50. I've been around a while, Ive seen tons of the shit life can shovel at you, and if you think you're pulling a fast one on me you had better banish that thought because your voice or how you text will tell me all! I guess Im just tired of people being fucking lamos which I think she's being now. If you think I'm wrong I definitely want to hear your opinion on it.
If you've read to this point thanks. I got promoted again, and my current mini obsession, gathering criterion dvds is going well im up to 125 totla woot! I'll be around.
A while ago I met a girl, now I have no interest in dating this girl at this time whatsoever and never really have. Sure she and I share a strange connection that I can't quite explain.
I'm a nice dude for the most part, for those of you that don't know me so well, I do anything in the world to help a friend. Sometimes I get people stuff they want or give them things just because I feel inclined too.
I started talking to this girl while I was still dating my previous girlfriend, whom I still hang out with and still respect and care much for. We [the ex] just weren't working out. She needed to do a little growing up and gain some responsibility for her actions. The new girl was all on my stuff for serious. Wanting to do things with me and hang with me as well as hinting at a sexual attraction to me. At the time she lived in Denver. About a month or so later she came here to visit.
I have to admit, things moved far to fast. I was no longer with the girl I was previously dating, we had since split. The girl, I'll call her eh Joan (considering Naked Lunch is playing in the background) and I were having a pretty good time. My nerves were on high however, because I felt very pressured that everything should go a certain way, if that makes any sense at all. We got to kissing and feeling each other up and all that jazz, to the point where she was grindiing on my crouch to get herself to orgasm. (It must have been a really long time) We never had sex. Within the space of twenty minutes one night, she decided she didn't want whatever was going down between us. Like I said before things moved way too fast and I myself wasn't sure if what was happening was what I wanted considering where she lived, if she was going to move back here, or what. So my attitude was no harm no foul, no big deal.
She went back to Denver. I tried to keep in touch but she just stopped responding to me. I felt as though I wasn't worth talking to anymore in her opinon because if you ask me, if you can't take five minutes out of your day to respond to a text, it obviously means that the person talking to you isn't important enough to even bother with. So taking an educated guess on the situation, I wrote her a message telling her such, and that I didn't think it would be good for us to talk to one another anymore given how I felt about the situation. This talk went back and forth for one or two messages until she started taking the conversations negative. Not once did I slam her or try to put her down, just simply, "It seems that you either a) dont have time for me or b) im just not important for you to speak to anymore." Either or people my age need to have the balls to talk about stuff. So naturally I took personal offense to her not responding to me in the first place, even something as simple as a text asking how her day was. Its really not too much to ask. Everybody gets busy and doesn't have time but literally 30 seconds to respond give me a break. All in all I blocked her and stopped speaking to her once she went negative.
I have a pretty soft heart so after time, I thought maybe she would handle things a little differently the second time around. So roughly six months after I told her, I approached her just basically saying that if she wanted to talk or whatever we could. She did and we began talking again.
Everything had been cool up until a couple days ago. She started getting distant and I have no idea why. Sure she would talk if i talked to her, but she wouldn't initiate. She would hang with me for a couple hours and then hang out with somebody else for over 12 whom she thinks is lying to her and smokes around her, which she profusely loathes. Now tonight, she's right across the street at one of her friends house's near my work, I had texted her the night before after getting back home from her place saying I was alright. Now she hadn't responded all day, and if I'm as awesome as she claims I am you'd think she stop by to say hey, considering she lives about thirty minutes away. NO text NO show. So currently I'm about ready to cut the cord on her again.
If you know me really well, you'll know I'm fair, honest, up front, and loving. If you're one of my close friends I would seriously give you my left kidney if you needed it. I've done nothing but be nice to this bitch and she wants to treat me like that?! I refuse to let anyone get away with treating me that way, especially when I haven't done anything to deserve it. I don't know iif my being nice to her, and hanging with her has given her the wrong impression that I'm trying to get her in a relationship (which im not and have told her as much) or if she just thinks its a waste of time. I personally have no idea. All I know is I have ZERO time for this kind of bullshit out of someone. I don't want to be overly obnoxious but I'm a FANTASTIC dude, I DO NOT scheme, play games, lie or anything that I could see being destructive to someone else. If I don't like you, I tell you or I just don't talk to you! I guess it all comes down to a lack of maturity, but thats what I'm kind of asking for here. Do you think I'm crazy to just stop talking to her, not try to initiate any conversation or do you think I should confront her? I virtually have no interest in ever speaking to her again, however I don't want to blow things up if there's no need to hence, why I haven't done so yet.
It all comes down to, you don't treat me like shit, and don't even think you can pull one on me. I'm freaking 24 going on 50. I've been around a while, Ive seen tons of the shit life can shovel at you, and if you think you're pulling a fast one on me you had better banish that thought because your voice or how you text will tell me all! I guess Im just tired of people being fucking lamos which I think she's being now. If you think I'm wrong I definitely want to hear your opinion on it.
If you've read to this point thanks. I got promoted again, and my current mini obsession, gathering criterion dvds is going well im up to 125 totla woot! I'll be around.
i'm sorry this girl is being a douchebag, but just remember that whole "burn me once, shame on you, burn me twice, shame on me" deal. don't let this fool burn you again.
still not a reason for her to be bitchy to you, but as i said, she could be thinking the very same thing about you.
either way it's not worth your time. you let her get to the point where she thinks she can play with you.