Haha, maybe I'll start getting more regular with posting on this thing soon.
Thanksgiving was decent. Spent it with my Pa. Super sick. Lazy. Slept a ton.
Works straight as usual. We're starting to get more busy the closer we get to Dec. I got my best bud a job there, and he seems to dig it, so thats dope. Hopefully they'll keep him on full time.
I finally figured out how I want to start the novel that has been rattling around in my head for the past few years. I wasn't sure how to open the crock of madness that will surely ensue once I start writing it down. If all goes as I hope it will. It will be big, epic, and totally nuts. Hell I've pieced it together in my head for the last three years give or take, every night before I fall asleep.
I've started drawing again. I got my inspiration back I guess you could say. Its been years. I always gave all my completed pictures away, so I have literally nothing to date to show for what I've drawn over the years. For me, when I draw something, I have someone in mind, and my feelings for that person tend to come out in the time and care I put into drawing the pic.
Closing up the final stuff on the game "Skate." I have to admit, the publisher, EA, really payed homage to the skaters of the world. Its definitely the most accurate skate game to come since Thrasher Skate and Destroy, and hell that was at least 6+ years ago.
My sister and her Husband are coming down for Christmas this year, and I'm majorly stoked. I only get to to seem them something like once a year, and its always good times when they're here.
Anyways, Im going to pop on a doc about Allosaurus and pass out for a couple hours.
Thanksgiving was decent. Spent it with my Pa. Super sick. Lazy. Slept a ton.
Works straight as usual. We're starting to get more busy the closer we get to Dec. I got my best bud a job there, and he seems to dig it, so thats dope. Hopefully they'll keep him on full time.
I finally figured out how I want to start the novel that has been rattling around in my head for the past few years. I wasn't sure how to open the crock of madness that will surely ensue once I start writing it down. If all goes as I hope it will. It will be big, epic, and totally nuts. Hell I've pieced it together in my head for the last three years give or take, every night before I fall asleep.
I've started drawing again. I got my inspiration back I guess you could say. Its been years. I always gave all my completed pictures away, so I have literally nothing to date to show for what I've drawn over the years. For me, when I draw something, I have someone in mind, and my feelings for that person tend to come out in the time and care I put into drawing the pic.
Closing up the final stuff on the game "Skate." I have to admit, the publisher, EA, really payed homage to the skaters of the world. Its definitely the most accurate skate game to come since Thrasher Skate and Destroy, and hell that was at least 6+ years ago.
My sister and her Husband are coming down for Christmas this year, and I'm majorly stoked. I only get to to seem them something like once a year, and its always good times when they're here.
Anyways, Im going to pop on a doc about Allosaurus and pass out for a couple hours.

Glad life seems to be going well for ya. Sorry I didn't get a chance to call when I was in town. I didn't have a car and was super busy because I was only there for 2 days. But I shall stop by next time I'm in town (maybe Christmas). You should post some of your drawings! I wanna seeeee. Love ya lots. <3