New pictures coming soon. Since my profile picture, I have lost like 35 pounds and aged like 2-3 years.
I was reminded by 13 people today that I'm single. That is a sobering thought. More so is the knowledge that the type of girl you are after exists in multitudes, just not anywhere around you.
A thought:
I desperately need a vacation.
I need to escape from everyone that must follow a trend and do what their fellow man does.
I need to find...
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A thought:
I desperately need a vacation.
I need to escape from everyone that must follow a trend and do what their fellow man does.
I need to find...
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My summer class is going well. There is a really awesome girl in my class who is a total nerd. I'm pretty sure I was being put to the test today when we had lunch with her friends. I just hope the fact that I will spend eight months in NY starting August 18th (with a winter break of course). Other than that, not too...
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I've given up trying to find a job. I am going back to school in a month and a half and will find work in NY. I only 10 months until I graduate. I will find some way to survive until I go back. Also, I shouldn't have much trouble finding a job when I get there. As for this summer, Pearl Jam was awesome....
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ENjoy your day!
FUCK THE JOB MARKET!!!! That is all.
Good luck, I hope you find something soon 

So I got a job today!!!! It's not glamorous or anything, but it will do for now. On a side note, something happened today that has never happened to me. Probably the fourth or fifth person asked me to transfer to a school near home. Because of who it was, I actually am deeply considering it. I only have one year left at RPI, but...
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The cost of transferring is never worth it. I transferred twice and was barely able to squeeze four years of college into five years. I graduated a 120 credit program with 160 credit hours of work. Transferring sucks. Ride out the two shitty semesters at RPI then look for jobs at home. Take road trips on the long weekends, read lots of books in your apartment and drink too much beer. Whatever, but if you only have two semesters left then transferring is just crazy.
The cost of transferring is never worth it. I transferred twice and was barely able to squeeze four years of college into five years. I graduated a 120 credit program with 160 credit hours of work. Transferring sucks. Ride out the two shitty semesters at RPI then look for jobs at home. Take road trips on the long weekends, read lots of books in your apartment and drink too much beer. Whatever, but if you only have two semesters left then transferring is just crazy.
Still no job, but many prospects. If all goes well this summer, I will be spending a week in Vegas in March. Other than that old demons have come back to haunt me. Same old, Same old.
Quick update: I'm out of school, one year left. No one is ever around anymore. I'm going insane from boredom. Someone please rescue me. Anyone. Also, I still can't find a job. Other than that, things are good.
My dad is from Springfield and I think this is the exact reason he joined the Marine Corps. Good luck.
I am finally home for the summer in good old Springfield, MA. I have one final that I have to go to on Wednesday and that's it. I've all but stopped taking my meds, so hopefully my head won't be such a cluster fuck from now on. Other than that, life is peachy!!

So I have trapped myself in my room. I have read about 400 pages of feminist dissertations in the past 3 days, and they all seem to be coming from the same place. I know that there is real merit behind feminism, but it's hard to believe that when all I'm reading are stories on class prejudice in Long Island. I am very tires, and...
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Sup all? Quick update. Math is still awesome. I suck at it a bit more. Still can't believe that I've joined a fraternity. My home brewed beer will be ready to drink in 8 days. Finally, I'm coming home for spring break in 8 days, coincident? I think not. Until next time, stay classy.
-White Mike
-White Mike
What kind of math?
Calculus, statistics, and combinatorics mostly. I'm not a big fan of Theoretical math. I like being able to picture the problem at hand. That is why I'm want to be an actuary; it deals with all that fun stuff

So the first week of classes is over, and I am more exhausted than after my finals last semester. Not too much has changed, fraternities are still evil, and my classes are still hard. Other than that, I feel awesome! I am really looking forward to this semester. I am going to become a dj for wrpi and I my classes, though hard, arre really...
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