READ THIS and blow yer fuckin' mind...
In college, they tell you that history doesn't really repeat itself.. but from where I sit, it sure seems to "sample" itself pretty damn often. For instance;
In the 7th century, the Sassanians (Persians from Iran) were fighting with the Byzantines (remnants of the Roman Empire) over... YOU GUESSED IT, IRAQ! They had been battling for quite some...
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In college, they tell you that history doesn't really repeat itself.. but from where I sit, it sure seems to "sample" itself pretty damn often. For instance;
In the 7th century, the Sassanians (Persians from Iran) were fighting with the Byzantines (remnants of the Roman Empire) over... YOU GUESSED IT, IRAQ! They had been battling for quite some...
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Love your profile pics
Dig the sideburns, yo 


i agree, maybe i should contact Serta or somebody to see if they need a mattress tester...
it's my new career goal, you are a genious!!! hee hee...

ELDERLY CRACKHEADS. Im not talking about your burn-out 40 year old neighbor who still does coke on the weekends here; Im talking about honest to God old ass motherfuckers who are out hittin the pipe at all hours of night. Dudes who spend their Social Security checks and adult pampers money on rock. What the fuck is going on with...
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ELDERLY CRACKHEADS. Im not talking about your burn-out 40 year old neighbor who still does coke on the weekends here; Im talking about honest to God old ass motherfuckers who are out hittin the pipe at all hours of night. Dudes who spend their Social Security checks and adult pampers money on rock. What the fuck is going on with...
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oh man i have answered this SO MANY TIMES.
but just for you, i'll do it again.
i was born and raised in fresno california. i love that place. totally awesome. but i didn't want to live and die there without seeing some other cities, so at age 20 i moved to san francisco.
partying ensued.
i almost finished a master's degree, i was a live nude girl, i dated a tattooist, a piercer, a drummer, many a bookstore and record store employee... uh yeah, i had my fun. i got a grip of tattoos. i was always broke. so i took a full time job working at an engineering firm. very prestigious and good paying job.
and still i was always broke.
plus, i grew tired of always having to step over bums to get out of my house. of never being able to walk in a park without stepping in dog crap. of the high cost of living. of the attitude of so many amazingly artistic and creative people. of the constant noise. of always living on top of someone and underneath someone else. of endless eons of concrete.
i needed a wide open space.
so i moved to kansas. fell in love. with my new apartment, my newly-acquired little red truck, my cute country boyfriend. yeah. that was about 4 months ago. and i'm still lovin' it. it was just what i needed. i don't plan to stay here forever, but it fits great for now.
and to answer two of your other questions... i believe in a higher power. a creator. i just do. and i was a stripper for a year and a half. i am not ashamed of my sexuality, and i doubt that God, who gave it to me, is ashamed of it either. i'm not a bible thumper, i'm honestly closer to being a buddhist catholic, but i can tell you straight up, that i believe in God and i believe that all humans are sexual beings and there's no shame in that.
and the only reason i can think of that i would ever consider moving back to the bay area happens to be a 35 year old skater. he doesn't have a pot belly, and he rides huge vert ramps better than i have ever seen anyone else do. and he is insanely hot. also in reference to this question, see tony hawk.
have a great day!
but just for you, i'll do it again.
i was born and raised in fresno california. i love that place. totally awesome. but i didn't want to live and die there without seeing some other cities, so at age 20 i moved to san francisco.
partying ensued.
i almost finished a master's degree, i was a live nude girl, i dated a tattooist, a piercer, a drummer, many a bookstore and record store employee... uh yeah, i had my fun. i got a grip of tattoos. i was always broke. so i took a full time job working at an engineering firm. very prestigious and good paying job.
and still i was always broke.
plus, i grew tired of always having to step over bums to get out of my house. of never being able to walk in a park without stepping in dog crap. of the high cost of living. of the attitude of so many amazingly artistic and creative people. of the constant noise. of always living on top of someone and underneath someone else. of endless eons of concrete.
i needed a wide open space.
so i moved to kansas. fell in love. with my new apartment, my newly-acquired little red truck, my cute country boyfriend. yeah. that was about 4 months ago. and i'm still lovin' it. it was just what i needed. i don't plan to stay here forever, but it fits great for now.
and to answer two of your other questions... i believe in a higher power. a creator. i just do. and i was a stripper for a year and a half. i am not ashamed of my sexuality, and i doubt that God, who gave it to me, is ashamed of it either. i'm not a bible thumper, i'm honestly closer to being a buddhist catholic, but i can tell you straight up, that i believe in God and i believe that all humans are sexual beings and there's no shame in that.
and the only reason i can think of that i would ever consider moving back to the bay area happens to be a 35 year old skater. he doesn't have a pot belly, and he rides huge vert ramps better than i have ever seen anyone else do. and he is insanely hot. also in reference to this question, see tony hawk.
have a great day!
Just listening to the raindrops landing on the garbage cans outside my window...and the low whine of my electric heater.
That's music enough...
That's music enough...
thank you for the preety eyes thing *blush* have a kitty too?!?!? have a kitty too?!?!?

I like that
(albeit replace your electric heater with my electric fan)

(albeit replace your electric heater with my electric fan)
Last night at Pop's, I saw this really cute girl who was about 6 feet tall walk in. I only saw her from behind but I could tell she was a cutie. I strolled up to her and her friends and then...noticed SHE WAS A DUDE! In tight low-rise pants, a pony tail, and carrying a purse, but...
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Last night at Pop's, I saw this really cute girl who was about 6 feet tall walk in. I only saw her from behind but I could tell she was a cutie. I strolled up to her and her friends and then...noticed SHE WAS A DUDE! In tight low-rise pants, a pony tail, and carrying a purse, but...
Read More
that's awesome!

no, that make it worse... alot worse. if he has repressed bi tendencies, he'd just start stalking both of us. but thank you for the offer. do you have a card?
For all of your voyeur and
stalker extermination needs,
fast and effective methods,
For all of your voyeur and
stalker extermination needs,
fast and effective methods,
Thesis time blows...
I haven't been outside more than three times in 8 days.
NYC better get ready because I am going to get sooooo drunk when I get back there...
I haven't been outside more than three times in 8 days.
NYC better get ready because I am going to get sooooo drunk when I get back there...
thanks for the comment on my set