Well the week hasnt been so bad besides yesterday morning the ice has all but disappeared from the sidewalks so that makes meh happy.... However I cursed all the way to work wednesday I was ticked they just salted the walkways on the first day of classes. SO far classes are alright heh getting back into my japanese swing were learning families now I remember some stuff I can actually understand the jokes our teacher tells at times instead of just sitting there like um whatd she just say? my damn roomy is in my class though he's kinda pesimistic about most things and it makes me want to slap him but ah well heh another 5 months of em. Hmm tonight I may have gotten talked into playing in jazz band this semster.. its been about a year since I have played at this point but I cant say that Im not just a little interested in going back I kinda miss it really... i was a hige band geke is hs and some here in college just kinda died off a bit ah well who knows... Im thinking of going to see Elektra this weekend with my gf dunno it sorta looks neat from the commerials and Im still a bit of a comic book nerd... roomate started ragging on the character Elektra as soon as I mentioned it how crappy of a character she was and all lol no pleasing that kid sometimes ah well at the risk of rambling more Ill end with Im going to see my gf this weekend whoo!... okie so I lied time to ramble more I need to update my pic I mean I got a digital camera for christmas and I havent used it all that much.... ooo and upload the pics even ... yeah tonights gone from hyper excited to bored real quick wish more people had computer problems right now...
dude, rock that fucking trumpet. hell, yeah. i miss being directly involved in music. and let me know how Elektra is. i expect it to suck. but, you never know.
i'm gone, mike. outta here. time for an adventure with those wacky iraqis. like that? it rhymes. ha. e-mail me. the address is on my profile here. you'll hear from me as soon as i have an e-mail from you to save. see ya.