Well Finally home from San Diego. Convergence was pretty fun, free food and plenty of other free things there. Ah yes and I saw 300, it was well worth the wait, it will definitely be one of my favorite movies of this year, Now I just have to be patient and wait for the special directors cut or extended edition DVD or impatient and buy...
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where, oh where are you tonight? you been gone for many days....you take longer awol spurts than I do!
you re-appear soon, so we know you are ok.


Ah 3 days until 300 comes out and 3 days until Microsoft Convergence, I'm almost equally excited for both, though the prospect of an all expenses paid trip to San Diego for nearly a week tips my excitement a bit further in favor of Convergence. Fun times are supposedly to be had there, free stuffs including laptop bags, and free booze as well!
congrats on your adventure. Hells yeah, 300!
Heh, you're a dork too. I'll try, but I'm still just a novice at it.
Heh, you're a dork too. I'll try, but I'm still just a novice at it.

Well today just seemed to be one of those days. Just about every piece of machinery at work I touched today failed in some way. One of our techs decided to drop his laptop earlier and I it was my job to back up his old harddrive which I was able to accomplish and restore it to a new disc. After a couple failures and...
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Hells yeah! That's a good movie.
Now Snakes on a Train and Vampires vs. Zombies... Those are delightfully horrible.
Huh.. I seem to be in a rut with your postings.. *tsks* Make some friends boy-o.. You shouldn't talk to weirdos like me.
Now Snakes on a Train and Vampires vs. Zombies... Those are delightfully horrible.
Huh.. I seem to be in a rut with your postings.. *tsks* Make some friends boy-o.. You shouldn't talk to weirdos like me.
true dat.
No worries.

Well a bit of a surreal ending to last week. The building across from the company server blew up... a building full of chemicals... Our server upgrade was cut a bit short as everyone evacuated the area. Me and my coworkers went to the corporate building. Work was canceled for a day and a half which was nice to catch up on sleep... Initially the...
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I know. I was just being a brat.
Yeah.. that snow storm was no fun.. I ended up caught out in Lawrence and trying to get back to the city in the worst of it. Yep.. I'm trying to figure out my plans.. I haven't decided anything at all yet.. but I still have some time left.
Yeah.. that snow storm was no fun.. I ended up caught out in Lawrence and trying to get back to the city in the worst of it. Yep.. I'm trying to figure out my plans.. I haven't decided anything at all yet.. but I still have some time left.

heh... we're all getting old.. Ain't it grand!
Ish... I made a new blog describing some of my weekend adventures.
Ish... I made a new blog describing some of my weekend adventures.
Well its been awhile, not to much new going on I passed my A+ test! Getting ready for my next cert test which I'll prolly take this summer. No new car yet guess the saab wasn't meant to be
. Listening to the new Incubus CD as I write this, they were way over due for a enw CD. Ive had a series of unfortunate...
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Ah... thou art evil! I have that lovely little gem rolling around in my head...
uh-huh... SURE ya did... *snarlyface* Likely excuse.
Well I cant sleep and its been a while since Ive last posted. Ive been looking for a new car lately I have my sites set on a 99 9-3 Saab 2.0L turbo... really sexy car i test drove it monday. My current car is following Murphy's law lately weird things have started going wrong with it and I think its just time for a...
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ooohhh nice car!!!!
my thanksgiving was good how was yours???
i ate lots!
i have done the online dating thing some and had a decent amount of response you just have to keep at it i just hate paying for something up front like that you should be able to pay monthly
woo your job does sound pretty sweet imjealous im really not liking my job anymore

my thanksgiving was good how was yours???

i have done the online dating thing some and had a decent amount of response you just have to keep at it i just hate paying for something up front like that you should be able to pay monthly

woo your job does sound pretty sweet imjealous im really not liking my job anymore

Hey Buddy!!! Merry Christmas to you too!!!
How you been doing???
did you get lots of presents???
how do you like the Sucky new layout???
How you been doing???

did you get lots of presents???
how do you like the Sucky new layout???

Well Im slighty drunk right now but i havent updated in a while and there doesnt seem to be any messenger friends to drunkenly babble to.. so here I am.... Anyways studying for th A+ test to take by the end of the year.. certifications mean mean more money which I could always use. Currently wasted and wangry... thats my new word wangry... woman angry...
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dont get sideburns. that would look wierd, unless u go full black power look.
hope things clear up for u.
hope things clear up for u.
money is definitly a good thing good luck on your test!
yea the ladys dont seem to like nice very much do they
its lame but impossible to be mean at least for any amount of time

yea the ladys dont seem to like nice very much do they

Well another weekend has come and gone.. I got a bit a accomplished today. I got all my laundry done and finally got all my clothes unpacked my room looks a bit more presentable though I doubt anyone besides me will be in it. Lately Ive been thinking about christmas shopping and what I am going to get eveyone.. have a brief idea for the...
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dude put that stuff in a box put it in a closet and stop looking at it. it will just drive you nuts

Well I just got back not to long ago from my friends gfs b-day party. I got to size up this guy I suspect is fooling around with my friends girl. He fit the average gamer build lil over weight goofy and well subservient... not something i suspected really but he was like my friends gfs lap dog or something. He was also one of...
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unpacking is passe
my hard drive is bad i knew it was bad i wanted a different asnswer
i have a brand new one sitting over ther to my right mut i don wanna take the effort to install it and reinstal all of my proggies. just thinking about it makes me sad.
i have 2 birthday partys this week to go to hopefully they will be more fun thatn the one you went to. to bad about your pals girl. its a shame when people act that way

my hard drive is bad i knew it was bad i wanted a different asnswer

well another week has come and gone. My computer is sill screwing up which for once doesn't bother me o much because I know I can replace it with out to much grief. I think my car might b dying on me too but then again Ive been looking at new cars and really want a new one. Ive been looking at the mitsubishi Lancers...
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That's a weird scenario...I dont think i'd meet up with someone from any of my mmorpgs. I'm still wary about meeting people i've met on the internet at all, but i guess that's kind of old fashioned at this point. Why does the world move so fast?