Yes!!! Today iz awesome!!! You kno why?!? Tha reason today iz awesome iz cuz therre's a new Reagan set!!!! She iz soooo beautiful!!! AHHHH!!!! Reagan!!!!! Man mai day couldnt have started off any better!!! woohoo!!!!
people go here and join lennon's myspace group! the numbers have doubled overnight- so help raise it higher! show the love!
then check out her website Lennononline
hmmm....I havent updated in a while. Anywayz, lets see wut I been up to. Been workin a lot like usual and gambling playin Texas Hold Em'. I won 3 tournaments in a row last nite. Im good. Itz like really hot in mai house rite now. It been dis way for like tha past 2 weeks cuz tha damn AC stopped workin again. Itz really... Read More
So mai b-day wuz pretty fun today. Went over to mai mom's for a cookout n got a new lil printer thingy dat i can hook mai digi cam up to n print out pictures n stickers. Then ummm I went with mai dad to Spencers at tha mall and he let me pick out sum stuff I wanted. I got a few bracelets n... Read More
Man last nite wuz so awesome. First I watched Avril's live concert on AOL which totally rawked...then I watched Avril perform on David Letterman's show...and finally to finish out mai nite, I went to Media Play at midnite cuz they were havin a midnite madness thing and I got Avril's new CD Under My Skin! Im so wide awake and hyper ever sense her concert.... Read More
I went to a concert thing of hers a few yrs ago or maybe a yr. anyways i was forth row on the floor. I could almost touch her. I got a really good pic to