I'm sure the brochure said it would get easier.
Life is tough. Harden the fuck up. Yeah, thanks for the advice, I'll be sure to keep that in mind.
I'm sitting here, early on this Sunday, and I'm sore, tired and probably a little bit smelly. Not the most attractive thing in the world I can assure you, and maybe a shower and a shave will make the world a better place. I doubt this though, and I'm probably doubting myself.
Why am I sore? Fuck knows. I shouldn't be. In fact I've done a grand total of diddly squat this weekend before this morning. Oh I drank a few beers but that's not gonna help me much is it? So why am I tired? Hell if I know. I got eight hours last night and even passed out for a nanna-nap yesterday afternoon. I have an inkling that its got to do with my diet being rather different on weekends than weekdays. Hopefully I can fix that and the first idea is the "drink some water you retard" alarm I'm setting up on my phone.

So, why am I smelly? Well there is some light at the end of the tunnel. I managed to forcibly drag myself into my jogging gear. Pulled my shoes on at personal gunpoint, and then as a personal hostage, forced myself to run or suffer the ignominy of kicking my own ass.

I think motivation and sanity are maintained by the music I listen to whilst I'm out there. To that end I'm trying to devise myself a running playlist, a collection of songs are good to get moving to, and that will push you if you flag. That and playing the same four Linkin Park songs over and over may get a little tedious. So help a brother out let me know a good run song and why. Even if I've never heard of the band before. Let me know.
And to other Me. Fuck you. I'll kick your ass later you bastard.
Remember 72.
Life is tough. Harden the fuck up. Yeah, thanks for the advice, I'll be sure to keep that in mind.
I'm sitting here, early on this Sunday, and I'm sore, tired and probably a little bit smelly. Not the most attractive thing in the world I can assure you, and maybe a shower and a shave will make the world a better place. I doubt this though, and I'm probably doubting myself.
Why am I sore? Fuck knows. I shouldn't be. In fact I've done a grand total of diddly squat this weekend before this morning. Oh I drank a few beers but that's not gonna help me much is it? So why am I tired? Hell if I know. I got eight hours last night and even passed out for a nanna-nap yesterday afternoon. I have an inkling that its got to do with my diet being rather different on weekends than weekdays. Hopefully I can fix that and the first idea is the "drink some water you retard" alarm I'm setting up on my phone.

So, why am I smelly? Well there is some light at the end of the tunnel. I managed to forcibly drag myself into my jogging gear. Pulled my shoes on at personal gunpoint, and then as a personal hostage, forced myself to run or suffer the ignominy of kicking my own ass.

I think motivation and sanity are maintained by the music I listen to whilst I'm out there. To that end I'm trying to devise myself a running playlist, a collection of songs are good to get moving to, and that will push you if you flag. That and playing the same four Linkin Park songs over and over may get a little tedious. So help a brother out let me know a good run song and why. Even if I've never heard of the band before. Let me know.
And to other Me. Fuck you. I'll kick your ass later you bastard.
Remember 72.
my all time favourite running song is 'staring at the sun' by the offspring. and i hate the offspring.