JB Hifi needs to be placed on the illegal drugs list. So many are addicted.
So I wandered in today to purchase some headphones, I was looking for some Sennheiser MX 550s to replace my old and battered PCM 60s. They only had MX 450s so that seemed pretty cool anyways. Problem is, the bargains!
So I bought:
Tool - 10,000 Days
Avenged Sevenfold - City of Evil
Rammstein - Rosenrot
Deftones - Deftones
The Butterfly Effect - Begins Here
Nothing really new, but items that were missing from the good old collection. I'm amazed how it happens. Rational Glen wanders in to buy some headphones, which seems like a very good idea. Then he sees TBE for 10 bucks, and Tool for 20. And it's all over. 15 minutes later rational Glen wrests control back from shopping Glen and wonders what the fuck he just bought.
It happens all the time to me. I'm one of the worst impulsive shoppers in the world. The phrase 'would you like fries with that' was created with people like me in mind. I recently went out to buy a new pair of sunnies, and I'm a consumer whore who likes Oakleys, so one must go for the best. One purchase later the sales chick is telling me I can get a spiffy watch for twenty cents off and shopping Glen is salivating over the fact until his mate Ryan smacks him upside the head and points out he already has a decent watch. Rational Glen returns.
Speaking of the multiple Glens, Irish Glen hasn't had a run in a while.
Sport Glen is getting a big run. I have one game left in the hockey season, and think my body will thank me when it's over. Until then, once more into the breach! I think a month of nothing may be a good idea, and then it's time to get the bike out and ride through the trees. Note the through there. Hitting said trees can be more painful than a hockey ball, and the sliding on your side until you stop is another sensation I can do without.
Art Glen is also repressed. I need to either:
a) go on a random photography run. The problem here is I'm not a good photographer, it's the doing more than the end result
b) get a new band. I miss singing (screaming with tune, whatever) and playing around with other folks, although I'll need to buy the gear back again to do it well.
c) art terror. Being a geek my art terror generally comes from launching things. Trebuchets, rail guns and tesla coils are all cool. I had a half joke with work colleagues about building a rail gun. It could be a good idea.
Yeah, I'm a bit bored and have too much time on my hands recently. What with the bye the AFL gave the Eagles in round 21 and everything, so thoughtful of Demetriou. Oh and I'm currently listening to the ass end of the A7X cd. Fuck yeah.
So I wandered in today to purchase some headphones, I was looking for some Sennheiser MX 550s to replace my old and battered PCM 60s. They only had MX 450s so that seemed pretty cool anyways. Problem is, the bargains!
So I bought:
Tool - 10,000 Days
Avenged Sevenfold - City of Evil
Rammstein - Rosenrot
Deftones - Deftones
The Butterfly Effect - Begins Here
Nothing really new, but items that were missing from the good old collection. I'm amazed how it happens. Rational Glen wanders in to buy some headphones, which seems like a very good idea. Then he sees TBE for 10 bucks, and Tool for 20. And it's all over. 15 minutes later rational Glen wrests control back from shopping Glen and wonders what the fuck he just bought.
It happens all the time to me. I'm one of the worst impulsive shoppers in the world. The phrase 'would you like fries with that' was created with people like me in mind. I recently went out to buy a new pair of sunnies, and I'm a consumer whore who likes Oakleys, so one must go for the best. One purchase later the sales chick is telling me I can get a spiffy watch for twenty cents off and shopping Glen is salivating over the fact until his mate Ryan smacks him upside the head and points out he already has a decent watch. Rational Glen returns.
Speaking of the multiple Glens, Irish Glen hasn't had a run in a while.
Sport Glen is getting a big run. I have one game left in the hockey season, and think my body will thank me when it's over. Until then, once more into the breach! I think a month of nothing may be a good idea, and then it's time to get the bike out and ride through the trees. Note the through there. Hitting said trees can be more painful than a hockey ball, and the sliding on your side until you stop is another sensation I can do without.
Art Glen is also repressed. I need to either:
a) go on a random photography run. The problem here is I'm not a good photographer, it's the doing more than the end result
b) get a new band. I miss singing (screaming with tune, whatever) and playing around with other folks, although I'll need to buy the gear back again to do it well.
c) art terror. Being a geek my art terror generally comes from launching things. Trebuchets, rail guns and tesla coils are all cool. I had a half joke with work colleagues about building a rail gun. It could be a good idea.
Yeah, I'm a bit bored and have too much time on my hands recently. What with the bye the AFL gave the Eagles in round 21 and everything, so thoughtful of Demetriou. Oh and I'm currently listening to the ass end of the A7X cd. Fuck yeah.
Amen about JB's, I spent a lot of time there this arvo trying not to spend every ounce of money and visa I have.
Have a good one,