I'm so fucking tired of late. I used to get up and handle the 6:30 starts with ease and aplomb, but two days into the second week and I'm already in trouble. Problem is I'm pretty sure I know where all the energy went. This time last year my participation in recreation was minimal, down the the random Sunday pick-up games of basketball. This year, I've come back to a full hockey season, I'm playing mixed basketball on Tuesday nights and filling in for my mates indoor soccer team on Wednesday. The plus side here is I'm fitter, slimmer and have a much better mindset. The downside is I'm tired at work. It's a decent trade off.
But let's not forget the other thing.
Unfortunately my leg joints arepretty weak, and succumb to injury really easily. After a game or training run, if I sit down, my knees tend to lock up, and it usually hurts to climb or descend stairs and get out of chairs. If I could afford the physio treatment I'd be there in a flash, but at the moment I just put up with it. The good thing is, there's two games left in the hockey season. The bad thing is, it hurts to walk. I'm pretty sure it's hurting right now just typing, and I can't remember what it's like without some form of leg pain.
But let's not forget the other thing.
Unfortunately my leg joints arepretty weak, and succumb to injury really easily. After a game or training run, if I sit down, my knees tend to lock up, and it usually hurts to climb or descend stairs and get out of chairs. If I could afford the physio treatment I'd be there in a flash, but at the moment I just put up with it. The good thing is, there's two games left in the hockey season. The bad thing is, it hurts to walk. I'm pretty sure it's hurting right now just typing, and I can't remember what it's like without some form of leg pain.
Anyone up for drinks?
i am in pain.... i decided to go back to aerobics... HA HA FUCKIN HAAAAA!!!!
step is PAIN
but oh so fun flying over the step thingy
Drinks??? HELL YEAH! Do I hear hookup?