Stuff I did:
- worked
- read Harry Potter books
- had weird dreams about getting drunk
- went paintballing
- got drunk at the Shed
- played golf
Stuff I failed to do well
- pick up chicks at the Shed (hey, it's a hole but fuck it, you may as well make an effort when you're single)
- go to hockey training (ahh shit, this is mostly due to work and the next thing)
- sleep for substantial periods.
- get to the Perth Dinner (fucking work)
I swear Harry Potter is fucking up my sleeping patternd and giving me random nightmares. But I've gotta keep reading.
Paintballing was pretty crap. I was hungover to start off with, and was given a batch of balls that didn't want to break unless they hit something solid (ie not human flesh). This coupled with the organisers calling headshots to be not out meant I had a tough time eliminating anyone. But I gave out a truckload of bruises.
On the hockey front I'm letting myself down, but tirednesss can play into bouts of CFS and that's not something I want to happen again.
Life is tough and I need to be more organised.
- worked
- read Harry Potter books
- had weird dreams about getting drunk
- went paintballing
- got drunk at the Shed
- played golf
Stuff I failed to do well
- pick up chicks at the Shed (hey, it's a hole but fuck it, you may as well make an effort when you're single)
- go to hockey training (ahh shit, this is mostly due to work and the next thing)
- sleep for substantial periods.
- get to the Perth Dinner (fucking work)
I swear Harry Potter is fucking up my sleeping patternd and giving me random nightmares. But I've gotta keep reading.
Paintballing was pretty crap. I was hungover to start off with, and was given a batch of balls that didn't want to break unless they hit something solid (ie not human flesh). This coupled with the organisers calling headshots to be not out meant I had a tough time eliminating anyone. But I gave out a truckload of bruises.
On the hockey front I'm letting myself down, but tirednesss can play into bouts of CFS and that's not something I want to happen again.
Life is tough and I need to be more organised.
It had body massage machine go.. and maan did i need that
Yeah i needed to change my profile pic to something more.. feminine.. lol..
mmm avacadoes. i am jealous of that sandwich.
tonight was pretty good.
boo ya