- on shifgrethor's page
I really don't have time to be on the site any longer before my account expires, so I guess this is goodbye.
So long, and don't say I never loved you,
So long, and don't say I never loved you,
So long!
In lieu of sharing real thoughts, I shall proceed to perform some gleeful scat singing:
scop badda doo bop ... radda badda boo!
scop badda doo bop ... bop ramb boon!
skiddley diddley doo bob, sisk bam boom!
[and now: here comes the really intense part backed by the crazy sax/drum solo]
Hazzadda! Rommm bodda bam! Bizz booo dam diddley fooop! Foodley foo!...
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scop badda doo bop ... radda badda boo!
scop badda doo bop ... bop ramb boon!
skiddley diddley doo bob, sisk bam boom!
[and now: here comes the really intense part backed by the crazy sax/drum solo]
Hazzadda! Rommm bodda bam! Bizz booo dam diddley fooop! Foodley foo!...
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you will pay for putting that song in my head.
The ears aren't usually what get the compliments, but that works.
Nope, can't fake a funk like that...

Nope, can't fake a funk like that...
What a piece of work is a man!
How noble in reason! How infinite in faculties.
In form, and moving, how express and admirable.
In action, how like an angel... In apprehension, how like a God!
How noble in reason! How infinite in faculties.
In form, and moving, how express and admirable.
In action, how like an angel... In apprehension, how like a God!
Everytime I see your profile pic I get the "bearer of the ring" song (from the rankin/bass cartoon of "return of the king) in my head.
you have a vagina as your profile pic.
or the eye thingy from the lord of the rings.
or a vagina.
or the eye thingy from the lord of the rings.
or a vagina.
The older and wiser I get, people suprise me less, but they amaze me so much, much more.
What ever happened to discussing differences in a civilized, rational manner? Or did that ever even happen?
Random: What have, or would you do if someone was afraid to confront you about something, but rather resort to less assertive (to be charitable) methods of getting your attention/getting...
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What ever happened to discussing differences in a civilized, rational manner? Or did that ever even happen?
Random: What have, or would you do if someone was afraid to confront you about something, but rather resort to less assertive (to be charitable) methods of getting your attention/getting...
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cvsczccsvzm svzczhzvza cvpzztavyczzizvcza
kvavzlzvi avliz wzhanzv orztyvza
kvavzlzvi avliz wzhanzv orztyvza
what am i?
no, please tell me. i can take it.
no, please tell me. i can take it.
Just finished Oliver Parker's rendition of Othello.
Laurence Fishburne was a bit, er, sort of like Morpheus playing Othello, complete with a nifty idle-sword-holding pose. Perhaps he was just born with the matrixey badassness.
And also the whole thing was condensed to the point where Iago seems at times like a trite, pure evil (rather than amoral) villain, so some good subtlety was lost there....
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Laurence Fishburne was a bit, er, sort of like Morpheus playing Othello, complete with a nifty idle-sword-holding pose. Perhaps he was just born with the matrixey badassness.
And also the whole thing was condensed to the point where Iago seems at times like a trite, pure evil (rather than amoral) villain, so some good subtlety was lost there....
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I went anonymous for a couple of days. I didn't want anyone to get involved and I knew I'd just start crying to people even though it's not their business.
Thank you for noticing though
Thank you for noticing though

Oh, they aren't evil because they're robots. They're all too hot to be evil.
Can you say you have ever, or nearly experienced a total communion?
More specifically: imagine the breakfast club if it were written by Douglas Hofstadter.
.... So am I just a raving lunatic or ahead of my time or what?
More specifically: imagine the breakfast club if it were written by Douglas Hofstadter.
.... So am I just a raving lunatic or ahead of my time or what?
igby goes down makde me angry! iono why... prolly because of claire danes' character, I guess.
a. that's what i do! (the squirting of the lemons)
b. hofstadter DOES IT.
b. hofstadter DOES IT.
I guess I don't mean to mean anything ...
Just a declaration of what I see ...
Just a declaration of what I see ...
staph (aka Staphylococcus aureus) is a vicious little microbe that is a real bear to get out of your body once it gets established. i think i've actually had this infection for a while, but my immune system kept it suppressed. unfortunately it did some mutating or something and had me on the ropes for a while. i've got it by the shorts now, so no worries.
my personal philosophy, condensed for bumper sticker media:
it doesn't matter that it doesn't matter.

[Edited on Sep 04, 2003]
my personal philosophy, condensed for bumper sticker media:
it doesn't matter that it doesn't matter.

[Edited on Sep 04, 2003]
i think geeks are great.. you should have shown it to them. maybe you could have gotten a small raise.

I take back my crassness, for reasons I'm too tired to go into here.
But the sentiments and observations remain valid ...
But the sentiments and observations remain valid ...
Fuckin cable modems apeshit again @!#&*$#(@%, thus connectivity is up and down for increasingly large periods of time.
It's all too easy to become quick and careless lately, when even being careful can be done in good time. Why do I need to be in such a rush?
My words are immediately tainted by a certain subtext ...
It's all too easy to become quick and careless lately, when even being careful can be done in good time. Why do I need to be in such a rush?
My words are immediately tainted by a certain subtext ...
I am blog-style now. This is better than the old version, I think.
thanx for fixing dog porn. that was my first attempt
Not a big fan of blog-style... not quite sure why... *shrugs*
So, I think I'm going to switch my major to mathematics. I don't think I can bring myself to finish my BSCS, after having worked for a couple of years, and gotten enough experience (meaning equally developing expertise and becoming jaded) to make taking classes on the fundamentals excruciating.
My reasoning for the moment is really no more substantial than I'm sick of CS classes...
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My reasoning for the moment is really no more substantial than I'm sick of CS classes...
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Who do you think you are?
Mr. Big Shot
You're never gonna get my lovin'
Mr. Big Shot
You're never gonna get my lovin'
Takin one class ... a math class this semster (Calculus 1). I feel completely braindead (by my own fastidious standards, that is) cause I'm so rusty. I used to be able to do all of the homework in class the day it was assigned.
Alas ... the older I get the better I was.
Alas ... the older I get the better I was.
yes, i can tell by your profile pic that you must be morbidly obese, as I am. since I look so unbelievably fat in my pic, i felt there was no way to conceal the truth.
It's a picture of MJK, not me. And I am totally down for an elitist group. The more elite, the better.