Things I Learned This Week
By: Shicawgo
1) ET was right about Reese's pieces
But the real question is...Ree-see's Pee-cee's or Reese-is peace-is? That's one for the books...
2) Not to brag, BUT...I can, in fact, bring the house down with my karaoke attempt at Fever (feeeeVAH!) and Midnight Train to Georgia....even if my Pip's always punk out....I never knew how good it feels to be on stage and have people like blowin up cuz they like what ya do... It feels good.
3) The bigger a girls butt, the more powerfully she can sing... Yes, yes, yall...I'm a powerhouse. It's all part of my ongoing sociological observation on the seething underbelly of the karaoke world. I've seen things that would make The Macho Man Randy Savage curl up and cry, rocking himself like an autistic child....
4) I love argyle socks.
5) Glasses that make you look like Elton John are not cute...unless you're me
Heyyyyyy! don't hate, don't hate...
6) I don't feel comfortable around people who don't understand the concept of a rhetorical question...I'm not comfortable because I hate them. Are you so self centered that you honestly believe the teacher is askin each and every question directly to you? You just answered that didn't you? Ugh...Pah-theh-tic.
7) I learned not to be an old white guy walkin down the street causing no harm if a cracked out vagrant is walkin on the same street cuz you might get hit in the head with a grocery store bag filled with bottles. That looked like it HURT. Oh and don't be a tiny little chinese girl who trys to help the old white guy cuz you'll get hit in the back with the bag of bottles.
8) Anger is a tool. I learned that really when I first started college like 6 years ago (I know I know, 6 YEARS and no degree, don't ask) but I've really put it into favorable use and I can't BELIEVE how much good stuff is happening. I have underestimated myself for a long long time. But now I see that I can be strikingly disciplined. And so humble...
9) Now more than ever Thank God for things working out the way they have in so many ways lately because everything really DOES happen for a reason and....I don't know...I just love knowing that.
10) Tonight was the MOST BEAUTIFUL MOON I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE. And I watch the moon every night. EVERY NIGHT. I've never seen the moon look so HUGE and BRIGHT! I was driving home cuz I forgot to bring my friend Dogma and I knew why I forgot it was cuz I was like BLESSED to be able to drive toward the moon for miles and miles. Oh it's that kinda stuff thats the stuff that you can only feel when you're alone and you can only feel when you're really really payin attention.
By: Shicawgo

But the real question is...Ree-see's Pee-cee's or Reese-is peace-is? That's one for the books...

Let's climb through the tide
Penetrate the evenin' that the
City sleeps to hide
Let's swim out tonight, love
It's our turn to try
Parked beside the ocean
On our moonlight drive