I guess I'm bitching because Angelina Jollie's public disclosure was courageous but misleading to the average woman that may be faced with the prospect of cancer, breast or cervical. Please sisters, when it's posted (it's not there right now, I just checked) check out MSNBC's Mellisa Harris-Perry's segment on Breast cancer.
The fear mongering that her disclosure will cause endless anxiety needlessly when 90% of breast cancer victims do not have that gene. This fear will also line the coffers of Myriad Genetics, people that own the process that costs $3,000 for you to obtain results. But let's not linger on the profit margin of this and other bogus or legitimate cancer prevention.
On March 8, 2013 I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. The surgeon that performed the biopsy immediately attempted to get me to agree to scheduling surgery. I suggested that after talking to my family and significant other that I would get back to him in two weeks.
When I left his office I had an appointment with my chiropractor/Accupuncturist. When I told him of the diagnosis he asked what I had told the surgeon. I said, "I don't want to be cut, burned or poisoned." He said, "great, have you heard of The Gerson Therapy?" I had but because I knew of no one that had cancer I had not investigated it throughly. Briefly, for those that have no desire to follow the link, for over 70 years, simply by changing your diet and supplementing this with liver detoxification using coffee enemas (don't laugh it's supportable biological science) and nutritional supplements, the Gerson Therapy has been CURING CANCER.
This is the path I have chosen. If it works, fine. If it doesn't then I may be tempted to try cyber knife or some other less invasive alternative. My question is how is it millions are spent in cancer research yet there is purportedly no cure? Don't let Ms Jollie's example scare you into fear mode. "Hands off the Boobies" is my cry in this climate of celebrity endorsement of such a radical decision. This is my bitching for the day. [Oh, Happy Birthday El Hajj Malik Shabazz, (Malcom X) totally unrelated but significant none the less.]

The fear mongering that her disclosure will cause endless anxiety needlessly when 90% of breast cancer victims do not have that gene. This fear will also line the coffers of Myriad Genetics, people that own the process that costs $3,000 for you to obtain results. But let's not linger on the profit margin of this and other bogus or legitimate cancer prevention.
On March 8, 2013 I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. The surgeon that performed the biopsy immediately attempted to get me to agree to scheduling surgery. I suggested that after talking to my family and significant other that I would get back to him in two weeks.
When I left his office I had an appointment with my chiropractor/Accupuncturist. When I told him of the diagnosis he asked what I had told the surgeon. I said, "I don't want to be cut, burned or poisoned." He said, "great, have you heard of The Gerson Therapy?" I had but because I knew of no one that had cancer I had not investigated it throughly. Briefly, for those that have no desire to follow the link, for over 70 years, simply by changing your diet and supplementing this with liver detoxification using coffee enemas (don't laugh it's supportable biological science) and nutritional supplements, the Gerson Therapy has been CURING CANCER.
This is the path I have chosen. If it works, fine. If it doesn't then I may be tempted to try cyber knife or some other less invasive alternative. My question is how is it millions are spent in cancer research yet there is purportedly no cure? Don't let Ms Jollie's example scare you into fear mode. "Hands off the Boobies" is my cry in this climate of celebrity endorsement of such a radical decision. This is my bitching for the day. [Oh, Happy Birthday El Hajj Malik Shabazz, (Malcom X) totally unrelated but significant none the less.]

<3 You have support here my friend! You will be in my blessings!