Well its been quite a while. Been busy with all the holidays, birthdays and anniversary oh and work which has slowed down a bit so I qualified for medicaid and they are going to pay for everything my insurance through work was only going to pay for a certain amount and that wasnt going to work.
I find out on the 20th what the sex of my baby is. I'm so excited. I cant wait to find out so I can start shopping and planning everything. Well I have to get going I have to go grocery shopping cause there isnt much food left in my house.
Hope that everyone had a great christmas and new years! Take care
1. What was your favorite gift that you got for christmas?
2. Did you get drunk on new years eve and what was your drink of choice?
3. Whats your new years resolution?
1. My favorite gift was my new DVD burnder.
2. Nope I didnt get drunk cause my drink of choice was non alcoholic wine ( grape juice )
3. To finish school and find a new house to live in that has more room.
I find out on the 20th what the sex of my baby is. I'm so excited. I cant wait to find out so I can start shopping and planning everything. Well I have to get going I have to go grocery shopping cause there isnt much food left in my house.
Hope that everyone had a great christmas and new years! Take care

1. What was your favorite gift that you got for christmas?
2. Did you get drunk on new years eve and what was your drink of choice?
3. Whats your new years resolution?
1. My favorite gift was my new DVD burnder.
2. Nope I didnt get drunk cause my drink of choice was non alcoholic wine ( grape juice )
3. To finish school and find a new house to live in that has more room.
2. yes, beer
3. i promised my fiancee that i would give up sausage gravy
2. I was working. I am a truck driver.
3. I guess I didn't resolve to do anything. I suppose I am on a neverending quest to become boring and married... or at least involved with someone interesting again.