Hello loves ❤
It's almost 3 in the morning here, and the sandman has yet to pay me a visit. One week I'll sleep like a baby, and the next I barely know what the word means. So I thought I'd use my (not) energy to write a blog. let's see how far it gets.
So first news. as usual, things have been relatively uninteresting, littered with bits of distraction/excitement here and there. It's been a muddle of doing nothing at all, binge watching all of the series/movies, rushing around for whatever "important" thing that comes up. I've also moved my cosplay stuff back to my own place (I was working from my friend's place), which hopefully means that I'll get more done on that than I have recently. I've also fixed up the mess that is my hair colour, but you probably already know that heh. My mind hasn't quite been with me for the last few weeks, and I've been dreaming my days away. not doing much is starting to make my brain whither away a bit, which makes the next bit of news all the more exciting/petrifying:
we've been looking at buying a house for the last 4 or 5 months, and it really hasn't gone anywhere. My boyfriend and I are far too picky for the budget we have, and it was causing more frustration than anything else, so we recently decided it would work out better to just rent for now, and then look at buying again a few years from now when we can invest more into it. I thought that we would start moving closer to the end of July or August, and we're already going to go view places next week, and start moving in a few weeks, if not sooner. And while the thought of all the possibilities excites me, I haven't had any time to mentally prepare myself for this, and it feels like my heart might just fail.
I also really hope that there will be time to visit our farm before we do move, it is my favorite place and I doubt we'd have time to for a long time after.
Here are some pictures from the last time we were down there, in January/February(excuse the lack of retouching)
That's all I have the energy/attention span for right now, I'll try for something more impressive next time.
Until then