This past while hasn't been too exciting, I've mostly been spending too much time playing games and spending some time experimenting with how to make stuff I'm not ready to share just yet, so instead here's a picture of me wearing a cat as a hat.
Two highlights of this past week have been:
On Thursday, my boyfriend and I celebrated 3 years together which was awesome. I'm getting excited for March, as things are starting to fall into place for the big move into our own place in Johannesburg, and all the promise that it brings with it. And until then I plan to enjoy doing as little as I can possibly get away with.
Also, @missy featured me in her Week in SG as her favorite set of the week, and I am infinitely flattered.
I don't have much else to report, so instead, have a cellphone photo dump of my ever changing hair, with a sprinkle of boobies and other such random things.
And the queue is once again full of beautiful South African Ladies, I almost died of excitement when I saw these(hopefully I can hold my excitement in long enough) :
I also have instagram, Giantshev
I might have something more interesting to share soon, but until then,