His big smile and cute tiny teeth
His huge blue eyes
The gray in his goatee
His huge hands and furry forearms
The way he worked so hard and never complained
Making his sweet tea just right for him
His big laugh
Watching him rebuild his life after 20 years of cocaine abuse and prison
Watching him get back into school and helping him study
Watching him with my animals
The way he took care of me when my daddy died
Knowing he would always protect me
The pride he took in our new house
How he told me not to buy him "men's" body wash anymore because he liked mine better, it made his skin soft
The way he put his hand on the small of my back and led me through crowds
The Sunday morning breakfasts he cooked me, I never let on that I could not eat a 5 egg omelette
Coming home to him sleeping on the couch with all my animals curled up on his big chest
How much he loved his friends
His East Texas accent, that I hate from anyone else
How he said "watch out of the way Dawson" when he wanted my dog to move, which does not make any sense at all
His smell, god, his fucking smell.
How much he loved everything
The fact that he called me 50 times a day, which irritated me at the time, but I would give anything to hear his voice now
How he didn't try to change me
But he would tell me when I was fucking up
The stupid little dance he did when he was cooking eggs
The times he would get out of the shower and put the towel in his butt crack and say, "Look baby, I got a tail"!
The fact that he let me see him cry when we gave my dad's dog away
Wrapping my arms around him on the bike
Him telling me to "scooch" over to him in the bed
Seeing him taking care of his puppy he got
The way he said my name
The fact that he put up with my mother
The love he showed his mother
How he tried so hard to win his dad's respect again
Listening to the Butthole Surfers with him
Him waking me up when he left to say he loved me
The way he proposed
How he gave people a chance that nobody else would
I guess I just miss all of him
But I know I am really fucking lucky to have known him for the short time I did.
Wouldn't trade it for the world. He was, and is my world.

His big smile and cute tiny teeth
His huge blue eyes
The gray in his goatee
His huge hands and furry forearms
The way he worked so hard and never complained
Making his sweet tea just right for him
His big laugh
Watching him rebuild his life after 20 years of cocaine abuse and prison
Watching him get back into school and helping him study
Watching him with my animals
The way he took care of me when my daddy died
Knowing he would always protect me
The pride he took in our new house
How he told me not to buy him "men's" body wash anymore because he liked mine better, it made his skin soft
The way he put his hand on the small of my back and led me through crowds
The Sunday morning breakfasts he cooked me, I never let on that I could not eat a 5 egg omelette
Coming home to him sleeping on the couch with all my animals curled up on his big chest
How much he loved his friends
His East Texas accent, that I hate from anyone else
How he said "watch out of the way Dawson" when he wanted my dog to move, which does not make any sense at all
His smell, god, his fucking smell.
How much he loved everything
The fact that he called me 50 times a day, which irritated me at the time, but I would give anything to hear his voice now
How he didn't try to change me
But he would tell me when I was fucking up
The stupid little dance he did when he was cooking eggs
The times he would get out of the shower and put the towel in his butt crack and say, "Look baby, I got a tail"!
The fact that he let me see him cry when we gave my dad's dog away
Wrapping my arms around him on the bike
Him telling me to "scooch" over to him in the bed
Seeing him taking care of his puppy he got
The way he said my name
The fact that he put up with my mother
The love he showed his mother
How he tried so hard to win his dad's respect again
Listening to the Butthole Surfers with him
Him waking me up when he left to say he loved me
The way he proposed
How he gave people a chance that nobody else would
I guess I just miss all of him
But I know I am really fucking lucky to have known him for the short time I did.
Wouldn't trade it for the world. He was, and is my world.

YOU are allowed... hughughug extra tight