This is my boy kitty Doc. This is the position he stays in pretty much all day. I am actually kind of jealous of him, being able to lie about all day and such. He is a good kitty, but gets a bit over zealous head butting me in the morning so I will get up and feed him. Ah, the life of a spoiled kitty.
As of now I am off for the next two days, and I am going to eat Thai food, drink wine, run my ass off, and maybe go to the eye doc. Contacts or glasses, what do you think? While I have a horrible phobia about putting things in my eyes, I don't know if I can find cool glasses that will look good on my face, my little pug nose just fucks it all up. Seriously.
I have also been listening to the Loretta Lynn/Jack White cd Van Lear Rose way too much, I am such a fucking hillbilly. It all started when I went to see my dad out in the boonies a couple of weeks ago, I totally blame him.
Does anyone have an opinion about the band High on Fire? They have been recommended to me and they are coming here soon, but I have just been too lazy to check them out.
Ok, a documentary about conjoined twins trying to get their drivers license just came on, I am so all over it. Why do I like shit like this?
Thanks for my birthday wish.
I recommend High On Fire live. I saw them last year & it was a great show. Totally metal. But I clearly recall having a great time, so I'd say see them. I even bought a shirt
which I rarely ever do.
If you haven't decided yet, glasses. Think sexy librarian. Never fails to excite.
Did you hear about the White Stripes? They had to cancel their tour due to poor Meg suffering with "acute anxiety." I'm so sad for her! I can heal her. Shit.