Wow..How wrong was I. Once again you've stabbed me in the back, in my sleep. You kill every good time we've ever had. You make him run in circles behind my back. I've overcome for now, but every day is just as hard as the day I banished you from my routine, so honestly - It's hard to say... Although I hate what you've done to my life, you refuse to leave me peacefully. Stop please from tearing my most precious Love away from me. Can I blame you? Should I blame his need? I think he's heard enough out of me; I have yelled his ears off with all the harsh realities of every slip, and everything I think I need to say, has been put on the table : He's now only choosing not to listen.. Time will stand still until he comes back for me...Which he won't because of you, In so many ways, he's found comfort and happiness in you. In the end this Drano Cocktail will Eat My Flesh, My Bones, My Soul. You will take everything most important away from me first - Then you will sit back and enjoy the view...Of Watching Me Suffer.
Speed is a surefire way to lose everything.
Speed is a surefire way to lose everything.