I'm learning to look at the title of each set and what the model has to say about it. Also to check out if this is a first set or are they seasoned performers with lots of experience.

<3 that's the best way to look at a set

Spending time on the SG site is like taking a long soak in a hot bath. It is a fantasy, of course, but a surprisingly compelling one. And I keep coming back, not wanting to miss anything!


I have to admit to a fascination with the imagery of BDSM and wonder if it's because when I was a small child the nuns used to regale us with martyrdom stories! I was aware even then of some sort of frisson with the gory bits. Much that the nuns did then would today be deemed inappropriate.....it was certainly non-consensual.

Is very nice of you think about this fact

One of the problems, if you can call it that, with Suicide Girls is the sheer volume of material ...all of it deserving attention and encouragement. It could become a full time job keeping up. Sometimes, having looked through a set, I want to check out other sets by the same model and that has been a rewarding revelation on occasion.