so, this past weekend was bar none my most crazy weekend ever. it all started with a near death experience. i was driving fast on a curvy road. a road i am very familier with. my friend turns and says to me, " i wonder how many people have crashed on this road." i reply, " hundreds.." i speed up. when we are done with...
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today was a huge disappointment. at the start there was promiss of work on live (electrically powered) components. thought of it made me vervouse and excited at the same time. i didn't know what to do with myself. it was going to be my first time. biggrin i just as nevous before the other "first time." ha i know its silly, but its so true. one...
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working with elctronics isnt too hard. i was a first timer too and the whole slip and poof *smoke* thing gets you jaded quick
i love to people watch. i could sit on my front porch and watch the crazies go by all day long. smile just yesterday my neighbor ran out of her house to yell at random kids. she rattled off threats of gunfire. shartly after she wondered over to our house and started asking if it was ok to just shoot at the ground. i'm a little...
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oh my - last night i went to the live show! so extreamly high energy, so very sexy. come again soon. love

shera - so fantastic to meet you - definatly breath taking - congrat to you and cheers to stormy. biggrin

too bad i didnt meet you at the show maybe next time we can car pool plus i also do some marine electronics