An occurance of the London International Tattoo Convention 2008 broke out in the early hours of 10am to 10pm on 27th September 2008. This was its story....

After a cool 2 hours drive to my old workplace car park at Thomas More Street near Tower Bridge, a friend and I took the small walk through Wapping to Tobacco Dock above. The venue, different to last year's Brick Lane site was vastly larger and greater space available to the artists and displays.
The first thing to catch my eye was this little treasure....

The Lucha Wrestler portrait, immediately brought thoughts of Bashter bringing stares of magnificence to the stand as can be seen.

Lucky was present in his tattoo laden self. Unfortunately, I didnt stay long enough to enjoy his new show at 9pm that Saturday but as you can see, along with juggling, sword swallowing and uni-cycling, he can also apply the ink well himself. Was great to say hello to him. Mind you he wasn't the only one I was able to pass on my regards too....

Well one or two members of my congregation have a certain stalking fanatacism for the above Tim Hendricks of Miami Ink. Can't see what all the fuss is about to be honest, but he was kind enough to almost catch a cheeky wink at the camera while cuddling a fan.

Also Phil Kyle of London Ink had the courage to look away while I was talking to him...well not really. Strange thing was, they seemed quite aloof from actually talking to the various people (prospective customers) that were packing this section of the Convention. To see an accurate Tutankhamun being slowly applied through the afternoon to a finish opposite them was amazing. I wasn't allowed to take a picture but all I can say is some tattooists are incredibly skilled. James Kern wasn't around this year but his brother Tim Kern was tucked away happily with many a visitor seemingly ignoring the American artist.

The Calendar Girl Betty Lipstick was wooing the men, personally, I'm not totally convinced why they chose her as the calendar model for the calendar, but she seemed to put smiles on the guys faces. Girl's note, she is not perfect, notice the slight love handles

In this view is seen The Voodoo Bar by Vince Ray, run by Torture Garden which was the centre of the drinking and entertainment masses. I think a fair few preview costumes for the Bizarre Ball were shown off during the day here and bye'eck Bizarre Magazine didnt turn up!!!!! Damn them. Can I add, Suicide Girls, don't act arrogant, no wonder your table was ignored by erm...everyone. Not clever!!

I'll end this little Photo Tickle with a view from inside the Voodoo Bar. We loved this Devil card tarot poster and just had to nab a picture, sorry my dear, you're in shot har har harrrrrrr (evil laugh).
A fantastic day in glorious sunshine, hot, blue skies, endless need for liquids, the toilets were awful and heaven help those who needed a number two

To wrap up this Blogulike, can I say this year's Convention was far more impressive then last year's, which was great in itself but seemed confused. Tobacco Dock is vastly superior as a public friendly venue and with the wide open glass roof, allowed the sun to come straight through and highlight the designs on the walls like an Art Gallery. Plenty of bars, plenty of food and easy access to the entire convention within a short walk. I enjoyed my 6 hours there along with my fellow shipmates of the day shown below.

Till next week's Bizarre Ball, I bid you adieu
Looks pretty damn fun and a well crafted tale.
Cheers man, I'm sure I shall all being well.