Well I guess it's time I should update this thing, with something more than hilarious memes.
I am happy to report a milestone. As of noon today, I have reached 15, 000 saved SG photos. And 200 videos. Feel free to applaud this achievement, at your own convenience. Now comes the daunting task of renaming all these files. Because my OCD simply won't allow me to keep using Picture #15 of 25, as an acceptable file name. The beautiful women of this site deserve better. I wonder what the hell I'm gonna do with all this stuff, sometimes. Like am I gonna still have these, when I'm an old man? And what am I gonna do with them, in the event of my death? Have the hard drive burned, before I pass on? No...fuck that noise. I don't care what happens, I ain't getting rid of these. I'm pretty sure by the time I reach the twilight years, I will have amassed a much larger collection, than what I have now. I'll just pass it down to my son, or something. Like a perverted family heirloom. Yeah...that's what I'll do.
It's just starting to sink into my brain, that in a few months, I'll be 30 years old. Thirty years old. I still can't completely wrap my head around it. And in 30 more years, I'll be 60. Fucking...sixty.
Scary thought. I wonder how I'll look, at that age. Or if I'll be the same sexy beast, that I am today. Anybody else ever ponder about old age? What you'll be doing, by then? Or how you think the world will be, by the time you start getting those SSI checks? You think you'll still be using sites like Facebook (or whatever will be used for social media, by then)? Will you still be a member of this site? I'd like to think I'll still be around here, in the decades to come. My goal is to become the next suispud1. The wise, bearded patriarch of the site. Known and beloved, by the entire community. I'm sure that's how it'll play out. No unprovoked rants, thread battles or inappropriate comments, from this guy. Yep....
So I'm sure you people are wondering what I've been doing with my life, since the last blog. I know I was. Well I finally managed to land a full-time job. Working for the good people of Walmart, as an inventory associate. Which is the fancy way of saying stock bitch. The pay sucks but hey, it's full-time w/benefits. But that's not even the best part. After I was hired for that job, I got an email saying I qualified for an even better job, working for the city. Look at me, swimming in employment, now. I went from 3 years without steady work, to waiting on one job to hire me, so I can quit the other. I guess it's true what they say. Everything has it's time to happen.
I figure maybe now I'll be able to save up for a decent ride. And by decent ride, I mean a motorcycle. I want a bike so badly, that I'm already coming up with a list of possible names, for her. I'd really like to name it after my favorite SG. But then I realized that I have several favorites. And I don't want to create any havoc. I also realize that for someone who can barely ride a bicycle, getting a giant Harley as a first bike, might not be the smart thing to do. What's a good bike to to get, for a virgin rider? Please take my pride into consideration, when you respond. I still wanna look like I know what I'm doing. Even if I really don't. I think those Honda Rebels, are pretty nice. But no crotch rockets. I hate those. I want a real bike. Something that, as I speed past, says to the police, "He probably doesn't have a license. Lets pull him over, and find out.". Catch me if you can, pigs.
I can't wait for the reaction from my family, when they see me pulling up on a hog. I look forward to getting a 20 minute lecture from my uncle, about how selfish I'm being, for getting a bike instead of a car. And how Jesus somehow doesn't approve of me having any sort of enjoyment, in life. But screw it. It makes more sense to get a bike than a car anyway. Bikes are cheaper, get better gas mileage, are easier to maintain (for the most part), and even get better insurance from some companies. But, lets not be unrealistic here. I want a bike for one reason, and one reason only. They look cool. Really cool. And wherever I go on it, it will instantly be known that I'm ready to fuck shit up. The end.
I'm also looking forward to getting some more much needed ink. My Mexican Jesus has been pretty lonely down there on my leg all by himself. He needs friends, to play with. I've been researching possible candidates, and I've found a couple that definitely need to be burned onto me, asap. Such as:
I am happy to report a milestone. As of noon today, I have reached 15, 000 saved SG photos. And 200 videos. Feel free to applaud this achievement, at your own convenience. Now comes the daunting task of renaming all these files. Because my OCD simply won't allow me to keep using Picture #15 of 25, as an acceptable file name. The beautiful women of this site deserve better. I wonder what the hell I'm gonna do with all this stuff, sometimes. Like am I gonna still have these, when I'm an old man? And what am I gonna do with them, in the event of my death? Have the hard drive burned, before I pass on? No...fuck that noise. I don't care what happens, I ain't getting rid of these. I'm pretty sure by the time I reach the twilight years, I will have amassed a much larger collection, than what I have now. I'll just pass it down to my son, or something. Like a perverted family heirloom. Yeah...that's what I'll do.
It's just starting to sink into my brain, that in a few months, I'll be 30 years old. Thirty years old. I still can't completely wrap my head around it. And in 30 more years, I'll be 60. Fucking...sixty.

So I'm sure you people are wondering what I've been doing with my life, since the last blog. I know I was. Well I finally managed to land a full-time job. Working for the good people of Walmart, as an inventory associate. Which is the fancy way of saying stock bitch. The pay sucks but hey, it's full-time w/benefits. But that's not even the best part. After I was hired for that job, I got an email saying I qualified for an even better job, working for the city. Look at me, swimming in employment, now. I went from 3 years without steady work, to waiting on one job to hire me, so I can quit the other. I guess it's true what they say. Everything has it's time to happen.
I figure maybe now I'll be able to save up for a decent ride. And by decent ride, I mean a motorcycle. I want a bike so badly, that I'm already coming up with a list of possible names, for her. I'd really like to name it after my favorite SG. But then I realized that I have several favorites. And I don't want to create any havoc. I also realize that for someone who can barely ride a bicycle, getting a giant Harley as a first bike, might not be the smart thing to do. What's a good bike to to get, for a virgin rider? Please take my pride into consideration, when you respond. I still wanna look like I know what I'm doing. Even if I really don't. I think those Honda Rebels, are pretty nice. But no crotch rockets. I hate those. I want a real bike. Something that, as I speed past, says to the police, "He probably doesn't have a license. Lets pull him over, and find out.". Catch me if you can, pigs.

I can't wait for the reaction from my family, when they see me pulling up on a hog. I look forward to getting a 20 minute lecture from my uncle, about how selfish I'm being, for getting a bike instead of a car. And how Jesus somehow doesn't approve of me having any sort of enjoyment, in life. But screw it. It makes more sense to get a bike than a car anyway. Bikes are cheaper, get better gas mileage, are easier to maintain (for the most part), and even get better insurance from some companies. But, lets not be unrealistic here. I want a bike for one reason, and one reason only. They look cool. Really cool. And wherever I go on it, it will instantly be known that I'm ready to fuck shit up. The end.
I'm also looking forward to getting some more much needed ink. My Mexican Jesus has been pretty lonely down there on my leg all by himself. He needs friends, to play with. I've been researching possible candidates, and I've found a couple that definitely need to be burned onto me, asap. Such as:
My biggest problem with tattoos, is not what I want. But where I want to put it, on me. I figure that E.A. Poe would be perfect for my right arm. And the Joker could go on my left arm. Or maybe my back? God, I'm so indecisive. I'll probably end up getting them in the palm of each hand, or something. That might actually be pretty cool, now that I think of it. I haven't seen anyone with palm ink, yet. Don't steal any of my ideas, people. All this is under copyright.
Well, that's it. Now I gotta go pick up a child who isn't mine, from school. For such a selfish dude, I'm awfully responsible, don't you think?
Lol. That sounds so dirty.

a small amount, but yes, some happiness