And so we come to it at last....
Well people, the moment has finally arrived. My subscription to SG expires, today. And, after much soul searching, and debate (mostly with myself), that I won't be renewing it again.
It's been a fun 2 years. I've had a lot of laughs, a lot of pointless arguments and some vicious group bans and abrupt departures. But all in all, I can say that the beautiful women that I've met or otherwise drooled over, more than makes up for any drama I may have experienced, during my stay here.
I love SG. And I will miss (most) of you, very much.
So with that being said, I leave you with my last collection of random hilarity.
Final Hilarity
Bet you've never been in this predicament before, have you Hemi_?
This one is still funny as hell to me. So it's earned a second upload.
Like that'll ever happen...
You be easy, SG. Do the best that you can without me here to supervise.
Well people, the moment has finally arrived. My subscription to SG expires, today. And, after much soul searching, and debate (mostly with myself), that I won't be renewing it again.
It's been a fun 2 years. I've had a lot of laughs, a lot of pointless arguments and some vicious group bans and abrupt departures. But all in all, I can say that the beautiful women that I've met or otherwise drooled over, more than makes up for any drama I may have experienced, during my stay here.
I love SG. And I will miss (most) of you, very much.
So with that being said, I leave you with my last collection of random hilarity.
Final Hilarity

Bet you've never been in this predicament before, have you Hemi_?

This one is still funny as hell to me. So it's earned a second upload.

Like that'll ever happen...

You be easy, SG. Do the best that you can without me here to supervise.

Perhaps you'll mull it over and be back in a few months. It took me a year, but I just couldn't stay away so I came back. If not, see you on fb!
Your terribly cruel and clever at what you do.