Haha. So...I finally get around to writing my promised blogspectacular tonight. And after spending a good two hours writing and rewriting this thing, I'm finally done. And what happens when I click on add blog to submit, my masterwork? You guessed it, the fucking site crashes. Then my internet goes out. Ain't life grand, sometimes? I was terribly vexed by this for a while. But now, I'm over it. So I'm gonna just go to sleep before I scream myself into a seizure. My new years resolution is now to not make anymore promises that my ISP can't keep. 

Thanks for the love mister

Here's why it really sucks. I like her, and now a girl i like thinks I'm a creeper. Not happy about it. Even if she's dating. And now all i can picture is her and her bf going, "god, as if that creeper had a chance dating me..."