There was an attractive woman sitting next to me on the train today. I asked her if she would like to go out sometime. She said "Yeah but only if you're buying." My response was "Well I would pay. But I'm afraid that if I do, I might tumble over the fiscal cliff." She turned away from me after that, and stopped talking. Making the rest of the 10 stop train ride, most uncomfortable....
How do you even go about asking people out on dates, these days? How do you get passed the iPods and smartphones and the general reluctance towards communicating with people in the digital age? These advancements in technology are suppose to bring people closer together. But from what I see, its done the exact opposite.
Now don't get me wrong, as a proud introvert, I love living in a world where you no longer have to deal directly with people anymore. But even I have to admit that for some things, human interaction is still quite necessary. Oh well, guess it's back to eHarmony for this serial bachelor. Can you believe I've been rejected 3x by that site? Grant it the first two times I tried to register were just goofs to see if I could get in. But the 3 one hurt because I was actually being serious that time. wth dude? What do you gotta do to get matched up with someone on that site? Write "I HAVE NO PERSONALITY OR OPINIONS OF MY OWN" in the about me section on my profile?
I haven't forgotten about the announcement I made to create the ultimate SG model/hopeful glorification blog. I've been working on it as much as I can. The research has been painstaking. I'm stealing pictures at a blistering pace to get the right photo for each hot chick I include in the blog. I'm even considering buying a chemistry set complete with beakers and an Erlenmeyer Flask. Why do I need this to write a blog? Same principle as a condom, I guess. I'd rather have one and not need it, then need it and not have one.
I can't say when I'll have this blog up. But before the year is over, I will have written my masterpiece. So you stay tuned, SG. When it's up, it'll be worth two days of discussion. At least 2.
Also, I've decided to change my username. Any suggestions on what it should be?

Thanks noro. You have no idea how much fun I'm gonna have with these here...

How do you even go about asking people out on dates, these days? How do you get passed the iPods and smartphones and the general reluctance towards communicating with people in the digital age? These advancements in technology are suppose to bring people closer together. But from what I see, its done the exact opposite.
Now don't get me wrong, as a proud introvert, I love living in a world where you no longer have to deal directly with people anymore. But even I have to admit that for some things, human interaction is still quite necessary. Oh well, guess it's back to eHarmony for this serial bachelor. Can you believe I've been rejected 3x by that site? Grant it the first two times I tried to register were just goofs to see if I could get in. But the 3 one hurt because I was actually being serious that time. wth dude? What do you gotta do to get matched up with someone on that site? Write "I HAVE NO PERSONALITY OR OPINIONS OF MY OWN" in the about me section on my profile?
I haven't forgotten about the announcement I made to create the ultimate SG model/hopeful glorification blog. I've been working on it as much as I can. The research has been painstaking. I'm stealing pictures at a blistering pace to get the right photo for each hot chick I include in the blog. I'm even considering buying a chemistry set complete with beakers and an Erlenmeyer Flask. Why do I need this to write a blog? Same principle as a condom, I guess. I'd rather have one and not need it, then need it and not have one.
I can't say when I'll have this blog up. But before the year is over, I will have written my masterpiece. So you stay tuned, SG. When it's up, it'll be worth two days of discussion. At least 2.
Also, I've decided to change my username. Any suggestions on what it should be?

Thanks noro. You have no idea how much fun I'm gonna have with these here...
I appreciate your love of supporting many wonderful ladies here. Very thoughtful and we cant wait to see what you put together! You have an interesting mind and surely cant wait to see what you create. Take your time as you say because one that spends time creating something will show your effort and be grand.
Sadly, many people always turn down the "good stand up gents" and usually pick the opposite of this and then complain they are unhappy. They then dwell and linger and stay with that person thinking all will be well when it is not. It is those people that complicate life. Then you have the types of individuals who feel they have to live off of materialistic things, and feel they are better than others. Pitty. It is tragic that the world can overlook some wonderful people and they cant peer or even allow their blinded eyes to see true and sincere heart when its in front of them. Perhaps, rather then looking.. Let it be a reciprocal in which letting all hands loose and let someone find you. You know your worth for sure and never lose that and let it get you down my friend. You should see some changes if you do the opposite. There is a lady out there who deserves you. The lady that turned you down cold, was not of value for someone of your worth.
Hope work is going well with you and keep smiling.