Okay I guess its time I got rid of my depressing previous blog, and post something a little less well...depressing. So here goes nothing.
First off:
You would not believe how badly I've wanted the summer to be over. I hate the sun. Along with his asshole children known as heat and humidity. But they're finally gone now. And I can feel the wind get colder and colder with each passing day. Soon, the season will be in full swing. And I can finally leave the house without fear of catching fucking skin cancer due to the ridiculous week-long heat waves that rape the city, between the months of May and August.
And I'm beginning to see the most delightful sign of the change in seasons. Insects are beginning to die off. As I was coming back in the house this morning I noticed a spider curled up on his back on the walkway leading to the front door. And I was all too eager to torture the little shit as it slowly passed on into the next life. I started by blowing on it (because I know they hate that) repeatedly and screaming "Payback's a bitch, a'int it?! in between breaths. Then I casually proceeded to kick the fucker into the bushes as I walked into my house...like a boss.
Here's a picture of how I thought I looked as I tortured this helpless insect:
And here's how I probably really looked:

My fantasy football teams aren't doing very good, right now. I'm getting my ass handed to me in two of the three leagues, I'm in. Of course I blame the replacement refs and their total lack of competence, entirely for my failings as a team owner. That, and RB's. I hate RB's. There are only a handful who are any good. And those are unreliable at best, due to constantly being injured. Maybe I'll be able to trade for a decent RB after this weeks games are done. But I doubt it. The one thing I've learned about fantasy leagues is that no-ones really willing to trade with you. Not unless they see that you're desperate and then force you to give away half your roster just for one player from their team. I still think I have a good chance of making the playoffs this year, though. So long as my QB's and receivers don't die on me.
Alright, that's it for today. You stay classy SG!
First off:
You would not believe how badly I've wanted the summer to be over. I hate the sun. Along with his asshole children known as heat and humidity. But they're finally gone now. And I can feel the wind get colder and colder with each passing day. Soon, the season will be in full swing. And I can finally leave the house without fear of catching fucking skin cancer due to the ridiculous week-long heat waves that rape the city, between the months of May and August.
And I'm beginning to see the most delightful sign of the change in seasons. Insects are beginning to die off. As I was coming back in the house this morning I noticed a spider curled up on his back on the walkway leading to the front door. And I was all too eager to torture the little shit as it slowly passed on into the next life. I started by blowing on it (because I know they hate that) repeatedly and screaming "Payback's a bitch, a'int it?! in between breaths. Then I casually proceeded to kick the fucker into the bushes as I walked into my house...like a boss.
Here's a picture of how I thought I looked as I tortured this helpless insect:

And here's how I probably really looked:

My fantasy football teams aren't doing very good, right now. I'm getting my ass handed to me in two of the three leagues, I'm in. Of course I blame the replacement refs and their total lack of competence, entirely for my failings as a team owner. That, and RB's. I hate RB's. There are only a handful who are any good. And those are unreliable at best, due to constantly being injured. Maybe I'll be able to trade for a decent RB after this weeks games are done. But I doubt it. The one thing I've learned about fantasy leagues is that no-ones really willing to trade with you. Not unless they see that you're desperate and then force you to give away half your roster just for one player from their team. I still think I have a good chance of making the playoffs this year, though. So long as my QB's and receivers don't die on me.
Alright, that's it for today. You stay classy SG!

True that, women like a good cat fight, the topic doesn't really matter. But I must say that I wouldn't get all that upset if she wasn't attacking my friend. No bitch gets to do that without at least getting an earful. And besides, don't you think wookies are awesome enough to fight over?