I can't believe I just did this. So I missed the bus going home from work last night. So I had to walk/run from the train station to my house. Now I'm thinking, "Hey, I drive back and forth from here all the time. This should be a piece of cake." Well, that piece of cake turned into an Odyssey, lasting almost 2 hours in the middle of the night. And through one of the worst neighborhoods in the city of Atlanta. I had to go the long way to get through some of the more dangerous parts of town. And avoid the dudes hanging out at the gas stations and strip malls who most assuredly would have tried to rob me if they had seen me walking alone, and unarmed through that part of town.
But, I didn't stop. Not that I had much of a choice in the matter, really. It was pretty much either keep running, or die. Lol Or quit and just sleep in a tree in someones back yard, until sunrise. I finally made it home in once piece and immediately collapsed on the couch. It's amazing what one can accomplish when he/she is left without any other options.
I didn't even have a cell phone to call someone and beg for a ride or catch a cab. Not that I would have used it anyway. My pride and ego would never have allowed me to call someone and admit that I needed help. Just like when I'm driving and get lost (which I almost always do) and refuse to call anyone or stop and ask for directions. I don't care how far away I am from the destination. I won't do it.. You don't like that? Then get out. Or go to sleep until I figure out where the hell I'm supposed to be going. Those are my passenger terms. And they are not subject to negotiation.
I hate cell phones or any type of phone, anyway. Most introverted people do. So even when I can afford to get one, I probably won't. This extended period of unemployment for me has shown me that I don't need a lot of the things that most people today couldn't live without. Aside from my laptop and duffel bag full of clothes, I don't need much of anything else to survive. Oh, except food, and beer. LOL
That adventure I went on last night also showed me that I'm not as out of shape as I thought I was. Twenty or so pounds overweight, yes. No athletic ability whatsoever, yes. But I made that fucking jog/walk like a Nigerian cross-country runner. So you can kiss my ass Jillian Michaels (or allow me to kiss yours?
Well that's been it for me. Now I'm gonna go watch more of Team USA crush the rest of the planet in men's b-ball. Stay classy, SG.
But, I didn't stop. Not that I had much of a choice in the matter, really. It was pretty much either keep running, or die. Lol Or quit and just sleep in a tree in someones back yard, until sunrise. I finally made it home in once piece and immediately collapsed on the couch. It's amazing what one can accomplish when he/she is left without any other options.
I didn't even have a cell phone to call someone and beg for a ride or catch a cab. Not that I would have used it anyway. My pride and ego would never have allowed me to call someone and admit that I needed help. Just like when I'm driving and get lost (which I almost always do) and refuse to call anyone or stop and ask for directions. I don't care how far away I am from the destination. I won't do it.. You don't like that? Then get out. Or go to sleep until I figure out where the hell I'm supposed to be going. Those are my passenger terms. And they are not subject to negotiation.
I hate cell phones or any type of phone, anyway. Most introverted people do. So even when I can afford to get one, I probably won't. This extended period of unemployment for me has shown me that I don't need a lot of the things that most people today couldn't live without. Aside from my laptop and duffel bag full of clothes, I don't need much of anything else to survive. Oh, except food, and beer. LOL
That adventure I went on last night also showed me that I'm not as out of shape as I thought I was. Twenty or so pounds overweight, yes. No athletic ability whatsoever, yes. But I made that fucking jog/walk like a Nigerian cross-country runner. So you can kiss my ass Jillian Michaels (or allow me to kiss yours?

Well that's been it for me. Now I'm gonna go watch more of Team USA crush the rest of the planet in men's b-ball. Stay classy, SG.

PS...if you had a cell you could can called me to get a ride in my fancy car..lol...kidding. But for real, that sucks bananas!