Well I guess its time for me to update this thing for the last month of the year. I decided I would face my fears today and climb to the back of the dining room/storage area and install our Christmas tree today. I figured the spiders and centipedes would at least wait until I'm done before they attack me. I'm mean it is the holidays after all. Don't be a scrooge black widows!
Maybe it's just me but I never liked decorating for Christmas before the actual month that its celebrated in. Most people wont let their Thanksgiving dinner digest before they start hanging stockings from the fireplace and putting absurd amounts of red and green lights on their houses. Christmas is a December holiday folks! You can wait a few days, can't you? Jesus would be pleased, lol.
Now don't get me wrong about decorations. I love that shit. Putting naked baby angels with crossbows all over the house. Buying two cartons of egg nog (one for the kids and one for you to spike with alcohol and praying that you don't get the two confused). Putting up so many Christmas lights that your house starts emitting radiation into the neighborhood. All are great ways to celebrate the yuletide season.
I can remember my grandmother taking me (and whoever else was living in the house with us at the time) out for the traditional ride-along to see everyone's decorations. I would always sit in awe at the different lighting displays and wonder why we couldn't dress our house up like that. Then I grew up and learned that the housing authority wouldn't allow you to decorate government property. I also learned why Santa never showed up at our house to give us presents like in other neighborhoods. Because we lived in an apartment with no chimney and with steel doors and windows that were welded shut from the inside. Plus we lived in the projects. And that's breaking and entering. Santa would have been shot, lol. It sucks to grow up and learn the ugly truth about things...
I don't know if I'd ever be willing to put in the amount of time into setting up the kinds of elaborate displays I see on people's houses. I think the jealousy that I would feel because they thought of something before me alone would be enough for me to give up and just put something like this on my house...

But that's why I love Christmas. I get to be that little naive kid I was back then instead of the cynical, big kid that I am now and enjoy myself. And I get to be the Santa Claus for my young nieces and nephews that I never had. But being the sick bastard that I am I still like to jump out of the closet at them with the Santa suit on like its Halloween instead of Christmas. And teach them a valuable lesson...DTA. This is why I don't want children...they'd be so scarred, lol.
So besides that, what else have I been up to? I would say working but I don't know if it would be right to call what I do for the weekends as work. That may be disrespectful to the word. I got a job doing security for events at the Georgia Dome. I basically stand on the sideline and stare into the crowd with my back to the opposing team for 8 hours. If you watch any Falcons home games you might see me down there trying not to curse the team for making another bone headed play that costs or nearly costs them the game. Good times. Guess I should be glad to be working, though. Maybe by the time I get these next two checks I'll have enough money to get my cell phone turned back on. It's been off since October.
That's the one thing I have to say that I've come to appreciate about being this broke for the first time in my life. You learn what you really can live without when you have no choice but to live without it. I might have to relearn how to use a cellphone once its been reactivated. I hate phones anyway. I always have, They are clearly of the Devil. I'm more of a email/Skype/messenger type anyway. Now if they had to come and repossess my laptop this would be an entirely different paragraph. I'd probably be sitting in the basement of a hospital in a straight jacket trying to type using my mouth and a pen, lol. Don't ask me why I think that's funny. Being crazy runs in the family so it doesn't bother me as much as it would others.
I'm still working towards moving to Seattle. And I've recently made a lot of progress towards getting there as of late. Or should I say others have made progress on my behalf. Seeing as how there would be no fucking way I'd be able to get there by myself at this point. Guess you really do need to have friends in high places to get shit done in the world. There are a lot of maybe's and mights involved but that's a hell of a lot better than the no chance I had before. Maybe Christmas time really is a time for miracles. Even though that all happened in November. Whatever. Oh, and big thanks to the parties involved. I dare not say their names for fear that I might jinx the whole operation. But you know who you be, lol.
Well that's all I got for today. Now I'm gonna go on the adventure to pull this tree out before I get caught up in WoW or DC Universe Online (which are both awesome, by the way. Almost at lvl 80 with my Orc now yay!). Or get pissed with more news about Herman Cains dwindling presidential hopes and change my mind.
I leave you with random Internet hilarity:
Maybe it's just me but I never liked decorating for Christmas before the actual month that its celebrated in. Most people wont let their Thanksgiving dinner digest before they start hanging stockings from the fireplace and putting absurd amounts of red and green lights on their houses. Christmas is a December holiday folks! You can wait a few days, can't you? Jesus would be pleased, lol.
Now don't get me wrong about decorations. I love that shit. Putting naked baby angels with crossbows all over the house. Buying two cartons of egg nog (one for the kids and one for you to spike with alcohol and praying that you don't get the two confused). Putting up so many Christmas lights that your house starts emitting radiation into the neighborhood. All are great ways to celebrate the yuletide season.
I can remember my grandmother taking me (and whoever else was living in the house with us at the time) out for the traditional ride-along to see everyone's decorations. I would always sit in awe at the different lighting displays and wonder why we couldn't dress our house up like that. Then I grew up and learned that the housing authority wouldn't allow you to decorate government property. I also learned why Santa never showed up at our house to give us presents like in other neighborhoods. Because we lived in an apartment with no chimney and with steel doors and windows that were welded shut from the inside. Plus we lived in the projects. And that's breaking and entering. Santa would have been shot, lol. It sucks to grow up and learn the ugly truth about things...
I don't know if I'd ever be willing to put in the amount of time into setting up the kinds of elaborate displays I see on people's houses. I think the jealousy that I would feel because they thought of something before me alone would be enough for me to give up and just put something like this on my house...

But that's why I love Christmas. I get to be that little naive kid I was back then instead of the cynical, big kid that I am now and enjoy myself. And I get to be the Santa Claus for my young nieces and nephews that I never had. But being the sick bastard that I am I still like to jump out of the closet at them with the Santa suit on like its Halloween instead of Christmas. And teach them a valuable lesson...DTA. This is why I don't want children...they'd be so scarred, lol.
So besides that, what else have I been up to? I would say working but I don't know if it would be right to call what I do for the weekends as work. That may be disrespectful to the word. I got a job doing security for events at the Georgia Dome. I basically stand on the sideline and stare into the crowd with my back to the opposing team for 8 hours. If you watch any Falcons home games you might see me down there trying not to curse the team for making another bone headed play that costs or nearly costs them the game. Good times. Guess I should be glad to be working, though. Maybe by the time I get these next two checks I'll have enough money to get my cell phone turned back on. It's been off since October.
That's the one thing I have to say that I've come to appreciate about being this broke for the first time in my life. You learn what you really can live without when you have no choice but to live without it. I might have to relearn how to use a cellphone once its been reactivated. I hate phones anyway. I always have, They are clearly of the Devil. I'm more of a email/Skype/messenger type anyway. Now if they had to come and repossess my laptop this would be an entirely different paragraph. I'd probably be sitting in the basement of a hospital in a straight jacket trying to type using my mouth and a pen, lol. Don't ask me why I think that's funny. Being crazy runs in the family so it doesn't bother me as much as it would others.
I'm still working towards moving to Seattle. And I've recently made a lot of progress towards getting there as of late. Or should I say others have made progress on my behalf. Seeing as how there would be no fucking way I'd be able to get there by myself at this point. Guess you really do need to have friends in high places to get shit done in the world. There are a lot of maybe's and mights involved but that's a hell of a lot better than the no chance I had before. Maybe Christmas time really is a time for miracles. Even though that all happened in November. Whatever. Oh, and big thanks to the parties involved. I dare not say their names for fear that I might jinx the whole operation. But you know who you be, lol.

Well that's all I got for today. Now I'm gonna go on the adventure to pull this tree out before I get caught up in WoW or DC Universe Online (which are both awesome, by the way. Almost at lvl 80 with my Orc now yay!). Or get pissed with more news about Herman Cains dwindling presidential hopes and change my mind.
I leave you with random Internet hilarity:
Enjoy and Happy holidays!
Okay...should we start the Shema to Seattle or bust fund? I think that's a good idea. LOL. But seriously if you need a place to crash for a few weeks, you can have the sofa. You just gottha share it with my dog and watch out for crazy boys who might show up at my door. But no worries though...I got mad weapons in my place so you can protect yourself. Hahaha. I'll be sending positive thoughts your way. Let's hope you can make it to Seattle by 2012!!!

You're probably one of the few that appreciate it