I always blog ever now and then and often forget to come and talk to you guys even though i remember how good i feel after a good blog, so here i go.
Where to start?
Ever since my last blog here, so many things have happened. Good and bad. i've grown up so much, mentally and spiritually. I've broken up with the love of my life because things were getting way too overwhelming, which i regret everyday, but i move on because there's nothing i can do to change the past and it was probably for "the best" because it taught me a lot about myself. I grew so much through this struggle and i know for a fact that we will meet again when the time is right. I know it.
I've had so many jobs in the past 8 months that i can't even keep track. If you live in Paris, you know how hard it is to get a full time job and to keep it. I'm actually starting a new one on monday. but well, this too, teaches me alot.
i cant believe how far i've spiritually come, evolved and grew. I am now fully aware of what i want and dont want, what is good or not, which led me to letting go of many toxic people in my life and i'm still growing and learning but, oh boy does it feel good to not know where you're going but still know that it'll always be fine, no matter where you're headed, because you'll learn from it and grow from it.
enough rambling, here are some pictures from the past months, and if you wanna see more, follow me on instagram : maureendaisysmith
and on snapchat : maureendaisy-s