Someone told me I was an "Old Soul" the other day. It made me happy that he said it. I'm not sure why, but it was easing to me to know I wasn't alone. I deep down I always knew I was one; there were just too many people I talk to and too many things I do that would suggest such a thing. Ever sense then I've been thinking a lot about my soul, my purpose in life, what I might have been in a former life. Most of it evades me. Some of them I think are more obvious than I make them out to be. I know the answers to my questions are closer than I think and there are days where I can feel the answers, the enlightenment of knowing, just creeping through my brain. It's all just a part of the journey I suppose. Journeys of life, meeting people, affecting people's lives one at a time; finding my own pursuit of happiness. I hope that my soul finds whatever it is looking for.
I also hope that your soul finds what it is looking for. Those are not all easy questions
Being the philosophical person that I am I never have easy questions. The curse of being intellectual I guess; always thinking and usually alone. But I do appreciate your kind words.