Went and saw my artist last Sunday and talked to him about getting my rib piece started which I'm so excited about. I have to go see him next week to re-color my bridge and add the flames and then we can begin to work on my ribs and finishing up my half sleeve. I'm adding a gas mask and a ship with a red sky background next

If I was your best friend, I want you 'round all the time
I finally got to hang out with my best friend after she made it into town, I was happy as a clam

Well she took me by the hand I could see she was a fiery one, her legs ran all the way up to heaven and past Avalon, tell me something girl, what it is you have in store? She said come with me now on the Devil's Dance Floor
St. Patrick's day was awesome... from what I remember. Went to an Irish pub, had green beer for the first time. Had green liquor, everyone was buying each other drinks and listened to a lot of Irish punk music and also Jump Around by House of Pain which had the whole place go crazy. I loved it! Here are some pics, I'm only showing two because the rest were with a friend and I don't think she'd appreciate me putting them on the internet for everyone to see, haha.
We don't need a rest, it's just a test and as the world spins we'll watch it with a grin and look in as the day begins
Spent the following day recovering. That's it.
It's a day that I'll never miss
Friday sucked! It started off with me waking up 7 to go to the MVA and renewing my license because it expired on me 2 weeks ago. Even though it was still working for me to get into bars I didn't want to take that chance since I was supposed to hang out with my bff and every time we're supposed to go out to drink a wrench gets thrown in our plans. But not this time, so I thought
Well, I ended up renewing it after spending 2 hours waiting for my number to be called and my picture retaken. Afterward, I was hanging out with another friend of mine and went to DC and VA, which was nice. Later, I get home and getting ready to go out and meet with the bestie and I realized... I DROPPED MY FUCKING WALLET!! I freak. The first thing I do is call my friend to see if it was in his truck. Luckily, he hadn't left the neighborhood yet so he came back so I can look for myself, it wasn't there. Then I call the bank and cancel my card. I called all the restaurants and stores we were at to see if they had found my wallet, they didn't. I was so pissed off. The fucked up part was that I was being cautious with the planning I was doing. I got my license renewed that way I was sure they'd let me in the bar. I was going to go to the bank and deposit my money so I wouldn't misplace it. And I was going to go the bar and have Jolly Rancher shots with my best friend. But of course, that wasn't meant to be. I ended up messaging her on Facebook because she had lost her phone in Miami (she understands the irony all too well) telling her I can't make it because of my wallet. End after that I just hid from the world the rest of the night, didn't feel like doing anything after that. I had such a headache from staying in on a Friday night. FUCK!
Say what you must, do all you can break all the fucking rules and go to hell with superman and die like a champion yeah hey!
After the miserable day that was Friday I couldn't stay home any longer and went to my friends house. We played Resident Evil 5 and I helped him unlock some of the things I had gotten so far. I wasn't feeling too hot so I left early. I didn't want to go home because last thing I wanted to do was spent Friday AND Saturday night at home. I ended up going over to my friend's house. He wasn't there. His dad told me he was at his aunt's house which is in the same neighborhood. I went over because they love me over there, fact. First thing they always ask me when I walk through the door, "what's your latest tattoo?" We watched NCIS for a bit and we ended up going to the theater and I finally got to see Watchmen, awesome. I liked how it kept true to the book, other than the squid. Superhero sex = awesome! I think the choice of music for the Nite Owl/Silk Spectre was weird though. But other than that no complaints.
Is it bright where you are and have the people changed? Does it make you happy? You're so strange, and in your darkest hour I hold secrets flame, we can watch the world devoured in its pain
I started my first day back at my old job
I really don't like working at Hollister but it's good pay, good hours and I get a manger title without any of the responsibilities, so that's good...right? I really hate the look policy. I don't get why I have to follow it when I'm working in the back the whole time. I don't mind the no piercings rule but the no facial hair is ridiculous. I told my best friend I hate not having facial hair. She tells me I might not like it but others do. Which I respond with "I don't care what anyone else thinks."
Here's me with no hair.
Here's me with no hair and no facial hair.
And here's me with no hair, no facial hair and no piercings.
I can't wait until my hair starts growing out so I can have my fro going on again.
Until next time...
You get the car
I'll get the night off
You'll get the chance to take the world apart and figure out how it works
Don't let me know what you find out
I need a car
You need a guide
Who needs a map
If I don't die or worse I'm gonna need a nap
At best I'll be asleep when you get back
I wanna see it when you find out what comets, stars, and moons are all about
I wanna see their faces turn to backs of heads and slowly get smaller
I wanna see it now
I wanna see it now
we are awesome
oh man now i wish i were a peanut butter cup. what a glorious death i would have resulting in melted chocolate and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches?!?!