I could never be a thug, they don't dress this well I reside in VA, ride in VA
Went down to VA and spent the week in Richmond and damn, it was fun. I didn't go out much basically stayed inside, which is what I wanted to do anyways. I love "halfway houses." Only time I went out was for a show out of town and when I went out to eat. Went to Sonic for the first time. I have to admit, In-N-Out is way better. Sorry Sonic fans, but those are the facts. Being there definitely helped clear my head and figure out what I need to do. Can't wait to go back soon. And thanks to MinusFourDegrees for letting me know about this.
I will be in Richmond on the 18th enjoying some good music and chili, best of both worlds
There's a tap, the phone, the silence of stone, the numb black screen that be feeling like home
I get back home and I'm already met with disappointment. I get back in town and my friends contact me telling me we're all going out and seeing The Watchmen, I was excited. I get home and went straight to sleep due to the lack of sleep due to the going away party my friend threw. Vodka and tequila everywhere! I wake up shower and get dressed, giddy as a school girl about going out being back home, my friends call me 5 minutes before we're supposed to go out and bail, douchebags. So the natural high I was feeling by being out was gone because my friends want to be their regular selves. I ended up going to get some Chinese and going to one of my friends house to play Rock Band, again. And with that I have to say, FUCK people who ruin my good mood by being douchebags!
Big city, hard times don't bother me I'm a country boy, I'm as happy as I can be
Okay, I'm not really a country boy but I love spending time in the country. I went earlier this week with my friends dad to help tow a car. I love it! I love being outside with fresh air and nothing but clear acres all across and away from everyone and everything. Also, I have to add... Rednecks are fucking awesome! They're the most honest people you'll ever meet and I can be myself around them, fuck the bullshit.
If you catch the evil twin then why would you keep it alive?
Friday was the release of Resident Evil 5 and I jumped all over it like a fat kid on cake. Which reminds me, I need some cake Friday night went out to a bar and got drunk, that's it.
The sanest days are mad, why don't you find out for yourself? Then you'll see the price very closely
I went and saw Morrissey Saturday night, amazing I'm not going to lie, I eargasmed (thanks to Raynne for the use of the word
) I love his music, his lyrics seem depressing but the music is upbeat. As to say "Fuck you, you're not going to keep me down." I need that attitude at times. I almost fucked up and missed the show by getting tickets for ShamrockFest not knowing it was on the same day. I was like fuck that and gave away my ticket so I can spend my evening with Morrissey. My friends texted me from ShamrockFest and Motley Crue show saying I'm missing a great show. And I responded with "Yeah, that's because you won't stop bugging me so I can enjoy the show, fuck off." One actually got upset since they don't know me that well and don't get my sense of humor by asking what my deal was. So rather than apologize and explain that's just my humor I kept going by saying if they were at such a great show they wouldn't be focusing so much on what I'm doing and just pay attention to the show. I didn't hear back, haha.
Shorty want a thug, bottles in the club, shorty want to hump, you know I like to touch your lovely lady lumps
After the amazing show my friends are telling me they're at a club and want me to go. I hate clubs and I don't like paying to get in somewhere just to get drunk. But they had me on the guest list and had V.I.P. band waiting for me and thought why not? I'm already out and near the area so I went. I quickly regretted going in there. I remembered why I hate going to clubs. I'm not allowed to be myself, which I hate. I show up and my friends are waiting for me and first thing they say is: "you're keeping your piercings in? And why do you still have your mohawk?" I told them I can just leave it's going to be a problem because I couldn't care less if I get in or not. We get in and first thing I do is head to the bar and get a Long Island Iced Tea and five Tequila Sunrises and then a bottle of some drink which at that point couldn't even make out. The whole night I was just standing by the bar drinking the bottle while some random chicks started grinding one me until I pushed them off and kept drinking. Some girls would come up and would ask me to buy them a drink. I would look at them up and down and just tell them no and just turn around and watch them leave. It's not because I didn't think they looked great, because they did. One actually told me they can do better than, okay... My response was "Then what the fuck are you doing talking to me? Talk to somebody else." I realize I'm such a jerk in situations I don't like being in whatsoever. My attitude changes and I don't give a fuck about anything or anyone. I would say I'm done with clubs but I promised my friends I would go to another club with them for Spanish night, we'll see how that goes
My attitude is tattooed, that means permanent so I guess I should address it, huh?
Went and saw my artist today about working on my next couple of pieces for my half sleeve which is going to come out looking great. I have to go back in two weeks to touch up my bridge and finally add the flames. I'm also looking to get an old school ship with a red sky background, a gas mask to cover up my music note/paintbrush tattoo since I'm going to relocate and make it bigger, better like The Six Million Dollar Man. It's even going to have it's own sound effect, haha
I remember I kept thinking that I know you never would, and now I know I want to kill you like only a best friend could.
I'm so happy my BFFF is back in town for Spring Break. I can't wait to hang out with her this week. I'm planning everything I'm doing around hanging out with her. Fuck everything else. She's the only I know who gets me and our inside jokes will last a lifetime! Plus she's also designing my other rib piece as well. So her artwork is going to be on both my ribs, how awesome is that?!
That is all for now. Hope everyone enjoys themselves. Yes, that includes masturbation as well
And I didn't even have to leave the site to get some tips - yay for photography group!
dude...i have said that EXACT same thing about rednecks before! haha totally agree