Drink the remedy, forget about everything, this one's on me, got what you need and take your medicine, you'll feel better friend
Last Saturday I ended up missing out on going to the beach party. At this point I've pretty much given up any hope of making it out to any and all SG related event and ever joining the Charm City group, things never work out that great. So instead, I ended up playing football with a couple of friends I haven't seen in a while. Then afterward I went to my friends stock the bar party and it was fun. I brought Yuengling and Wild Turkey... I hogged the Wild Turkey since I was bartending

You can't be me I'm a Rock Star, I'm rhyming on the top of a cop car, I'm a rebel and my .44 pops far
As soon as we got back at in the morning we decided to play drunk Rock Band and I shredded up on Bass on Hard. We played through our hangovers and ordered pizza which was a lot of fun. Then I got on the mic and tore it up to Rise Against's "Give It All" great song.
Mama knew love like the back roads, used to fall asleep daily in her work clothes, mom I swear you never have to worry again
I went with my mom the following Monday to get her breast exam. It all went well... until they lost her. I was in the waiting lobby of the Radiology department for two hours until they asked me if I was waiting for someone. Yes, my mom. The receptionist calls one of the doctors to see if my mom was still back there and they said no, and that they released her back to her son. Which was odd seeing as I'm her son and still there with her bag and coat. Finally they find out my mom was taken to the front of the Hospital in the regular waiting room, geniuses. Then to add on to that, they found something and want her to come back in six months to do another test and make sure it's something serious... great. It's one thing after another. Between that and waiting to hear back on her U.S. status, I don't know how she's able to stay positive about it all. Guess it's true what they say, moms are superheroes.
When it comes to that weight I don't struggle I just lift
I've started going back to the gym and so far so good. I even started going to the local Sportsplex on Thursday to play Soccer which is my first time in years. I have a lot of fun playing except when everybody starts getting competitive. We don't even play a real game for it to go that far.
I'm burning like a bridge for your body
Yesterday I went and got tattoo number thirteen and all I can say is OW! It hurt like hell. Not so much near the armpit where everyone said it hurts most but near the middle. I was telling my artist while he was giving me my tattoo that when I got the inside of my right arm done that it didn't hurt so much. He replied with "It's because you masturbate too much." I laughed so hard. But not too hard that I end up moving and have him mess up, that would be bad. I also talked to him about getting the inside of my lip tattooed. I'm either going to get FTW or L.G. Fuad (Let's Get Fucked Up And Die.) I'm leaning more towards L.G. Fuad though. But we'll see once we get there
I have to go back in two weeks to add the flames to complete my burning bridge piece.
I'm going on an airplane, and I don't know if I'll be back again.
Went with my friend to the airport today. He's going to Louisiana for family issues and will be back in a month.
Where the weed at? Let me dip into my pocket for my fat weed sack, cause I wanna get high like a plane in the sky with the endo cloud in my brain
Lately, I've just been wanting to get high. I don't know what it is. Maybe because I didn't really need or want to quit. I quit because I was hanging out with a girl who was straight-edge and didn't like that. So I stopped smoking and toned down on my drinking. And after a while I just stopped wanting to hang out with her because she was a little stuck up and too sure of herself. I continued drinking but since I cut off communications with my weed hook-up I never started again and here we are two years later and still wanting to smoke. When I was back in LA I had plenty opportunities but I decided to just drink. It would've been more impressive if I was sober for two years rather than weed free since my smoking habits wasn't anywhere near as bad. I would smoke twice a month, but it would be a lot as opposed to drinking every day... and a lot. But fuck if I can get a hit right now I would gladly do it. Roll it up, light it up, smoke it up, inhale exhale.
I set my friends on fire, now I will give up
I was looking through my friends list and deleted a lot of people and now I have 37 friends on here and I still might need to remove some people, wow. And I think MinusFourDegrees is the only friend I still have from when I originally joined. Kudos to you sir. I value your friendship. I guess I don't care much for having a big friends list. If I'm not going to talk to any of them, why bother? And I don't discriminate. I've removed SG's, Hopefuls and members. Hell, I even removed people I was friends with for only a week. If we don't talk or it's pretty much one sided I'll take you off, simple as that. Haha, wow... I sound like an asshole there.
We tearin the club up, gettin buck haters try to call it rough they better call security, bring them straight jackets and handcuffs
In other news, I might get a bouncer gig. Woot!
Now I'm Headed Down South And That's My Word I'm On A Greyhound, about To Move These Birds
First thing tomorrow morning (actually noon.) I'm heading down to Richmond and staying for a few days if not the week. I've really been wanting to clear my head so I'll be staying down there at my friends halfway house. It's not really a halfway house but it might as well be. There's no TV, no internet, no phone, one bed and a couch- perfect. That's exactly what I need to get out of this rut I've been feeling. All I'm doing is taking one pair of jeans, a couple of socks, boxers and a couple of black and white shirts. I have no plans of going out while I'm there other than for food. Or having communications with the outside world for that matter which is why I'm leaving my phone behind as well. I gave my mom my friends number so she'll be the only who can contact me since I don't want to worry her. With that being said... I'm gone and see you in a week
PS Killa!
The last 30 seconds are so full of win
Truth be told, as good an actor as he is when he really tries I'm not entirely certain that M.M. can not speak with that accent. Who knows? I figure they'll probably end up going with somebody like Paul Walker, or maybe some unknown. Whatever they do, I just hope they don't completely fuck it up.
I'm thinking about heading back to Wisconsin in another week or so ..... another little retreat to the wilderness before I start back in with corporate america again!
Hope all is well your way......let's see not much shakin' music wise. Just bought the new Brother Ali and am starting to give that a listen. I'll give you a full report on that shortly. Haven't bought anything else in awhile...probably cause I've been pinching pennies. Ha!