This weekend didn't go as planned but I made the most of it. Friday night was supposed to go see Friday the 13th but something told me not to. I ended up going with one of my best friends to his aunt house for part 1 of her birthday party which meant just drinking. All they were going to get was Budweiser and Miller Lite so I went along to pick up some Yuengling and Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale.
Then Saturday was just another day for me so I decided to go and get snakebites which I'm now referring to as lovebites since I got them on V-Day.
I was also able to schedule an appointment with my artist and getting this in a week and a half!
Then today I was supposed to hang out with the lovely Hopelessaddict and tour around DC. But alas, we didn't
She was with the family so I understand. Hopefully we'll be able to plan something this week before she leaves.
Instead I ended up going to my best friends aunts house again for part 2 of her birthday party which was more of a family thing. I ended up doing the same thing as Friday night.
That's pretty much it for this weekend. Excited about the upcoming tattoo. Half sleeve almost completed
and yes lexapro sucks major ass, but switching form one med to the next sucks even more. ether way i fucked