Yesterday was a lot of fun sitting around the TV watching the game with my friends. I ended making nachos for the game and I don't want to brag but they were soooo good that my mouth and tongue had multiple orgasms, haha.
We also had chili.
And Brownies for dessert.
In other news:
My trip to CA is on hold for now until June. Works better for me and everybody I was planning it with back home.
Instead, next month I'll be going to ShamrockFest to drink me some green beer and listen to some Flogging Molly. But first, I'll be going to my friends baby shower next month. Which is crazy because he's a year younger than me. A lot of people have been kids at an early age nowadays. All I know is that I'm looking forward to the weekend after that! I'm going with Hopelessaddict to DC to get my snakebites and she'll be getting her clavicle done. Also, we'll be going to the Smithsonian. Which means we'll be going to enjoy art in two different places And the weekend after that hopefully make it the SG Beach Party *fingers crossed*
How was everyone's weekend?
Sets in MR you NEED to check out.
Raynne - Film Noir
Elipsis - Mirror Necklace
Dryad - Prop Master
Rexx - Stone Cold
Show these ladies some love!