I'm glad for the new year, new name, new start.
I definitely brought in New Years with style. All I can say is alcohol and Yoshi's Island on Super Nintendo is an awesome combination
Here's me the weekend before New Year's drunk, and behind the camera being an asshole.
These are the plans I'm making for '09 (no resolutions because i hardly ever follow through with those)
-Find happiness.
-Tone down on my drinking. *update*I'm starting AA classes*update*
-Have a life.
-Get my own place.
-Finding another awesome job.
-Try and lose weight and back into shape (again.)
-Figure out what I want to do about school. I would've been graduating and moving on with my life this year if I had stuck it out after the first year.
-Continue to stop talking to my ex.
-Go to L.A. whether it's just a visit or moving.
-FINALLY making it out to an SG event and meet some SG's, hopefuls and members.
-Get my rib pieces started and my half sleeves and chest finished.
-Get snakebites and septum piercing.
-Try another cool hair style.
-Go to the Blossom Festival.
-Go to Warped Tour and finally see Bad Religion live.
-Go to Starscape and rave my ass off.
-Finally going out for a drink with my BFF. Promised her I wouldn't try Jolly Rancher shots until she came back from break.
-Go on the 2nd Annual BOND trip with my BFF since we didn't get a chance this past summer.
-Have a fun Birthday for once this summer.
I'll add on once I think of more.
Everyone enjoy your '09!
Rise Of The Mushroom Kingdom: Part 1-4