"Go to hell girl, you make me sick!
I hope your new boyfriend gets cancer in his dick
What the fuck makes you think I'd put your name on my record?
there, now I feel a lot better"
Worst. Weekend. Ever.
What a waste of a three-day weekend
It all started Friday. It was fine at first, bought some more shoes and clothes from work (and found out that I get a bigger discount as Asst. Manager
) I even bought my mom her birthday present for next month, which I must say is awesome.
After that though, it all went downhill. I was supposed to go out with my friends to the movies and IHOP afterwards. They ended up bailing out, as usual- I really need new majority of friends. Later that night I almost had to break my brother in law's jaw for talking down to my mom, which is something you just don't do. He locked out my niece out and my mom let her in, seeing as it's her home and not his. Then Saturday was 666irish's White Trash BBQ that I got to miss out on since me and my friend got lost on the way there, the one time I can actually go an event and something had to happen. It started off fine just joking around listening to Atmosphere and making jokes about John Wayne Gacy (inside joke,) but by the end of the night we were using all types of fucks and motherfuckers. We would've been fine if we hadn't stopped at that McDonald's in Mt. Airy. NEVER take directions from someone who works at a McDonald's. By the end of the night we went through seven counties, two states and also DC. Got home at two in the morning and knocked out. Then today nothing special happened, just went to 711 with my friend and then his house to hang out. Ended up finally seeing No Country For Old Men, fucking loved it! Although the ending isn't what I would call an ending. We also saw The Roast of Bob Saget- hilarious. Cloris Leachman had the best set hands down, I was in tears by the end of her performance.
That's all for now, have work tomorrow. The one downside of working so many hours is that I don't have time to do anything anymore, oh who am I kidding? I don't have much of a life anyways
Also I want to get my Rosie the Riveter tattoo started but I haven't been able to save up the money to get it started. I always found it weird that I could always save up the money for a tattoo when I didn't have a job. I've only gotten one tattoo when I had a job and that was my chest tattoo. I need to work on changing that
Good night SG!
PS I want this shirt!

"Go to hell girl, you make me sick!
I hope your new boyfriend gets cancer in his dick
What the fuck makes you think I'd put your name on my record?
there, now I feel a lot better"
Worst. Weekend. Ever.
What a waste of a three-day weekend

It all started Friday. It was fine at first, bought some more shoes and clothes from work (and found out that I get a bigger discount as Asst. Manager

After that though, it all went downhill. I was supposed to go out with my friends to the movies and IHOP afterwards. They ended up bailing out, as usual- I really need new majority of friends. Later that night I almost had to break my brother in law's jaw for talking down to my mom, which is something you just don't do. He locked out my niece out and my mom let her in, seeing as it's her home and not his. Then Saturday was 666irish's White Trash BBQ that I got to miss out on since me and my friend got lost on the way there, the one time I can actually go an event and something had to happen. It started off fine just joking around listening to Atmosphere and making jokes about John Wayne Gacy (inside joke,) but by the end of the night we were using all types of fucks and motherfuckers. We would've been fine if we hadn't stopped at that McDonald's in Mt. Airy. NEVER take directions from someone who works at a McDonald's. By the end of the night we went through seven counties, two states and also DC. Got home at two in the morning and knocked out. Then today nothing special happened, just went to 711 with my friend and then his house to hang out. Ended up finally seeing No Country For Old Men, fucking loved it! Although the ending isn't what I would call an ending. We also saw The Roast of Bob Saget- hilarious. Cloris Leachman had the best set hands down, I was in tears by the end of her performance.
That's all for now, have work tomorrow. The one downside of working so many hours is that I don't have time to do anything anymore, oh who am I kidding? I don't have much of a life anyways

Also I want to get my Rosie the Riveter tattoo started but I haven't been able to save up the money to get it started. I always found it weird that I could always save up the money for a tattoo when I didn't have a job. I've only gotten one tattoo when I had a job and that was my chest tattoo. I need to work on changing that

Good night SG!
PS I want this shirt!

The new Rancid album, Motorhead, Asian Kung-fu generation, and judas priest so far hopefully the new Rancid album won't suck though.
haha me toooo!