Go Lakers! Go LA!! Haha

Who is everybody rooting for in the playoffs?
This weekend was great, definitely a fun way to end what has been an awesome week. Friday was payday so I went to pick up my check, open up direct deposit (fuck going to the mall on my day off,) and went to the bank to deposit my check. Hung out with my friends and went to go see Iron Man, I highly recommend the movie- go see it and make sure to watch after the end credits. After seeing that movie me and my friends went to go get an "American cheeseburger" those who saw Iron Man know what I'm talking about. Luckily. there's a burger restaurant in the movie theater so that was convenient.
I didn't get much sleep Friday night, I ended up going to bed at four in the morning and woke up at seven. I wasn't able to go back to sleep so I decided to go for a run since I was already up. But me being the genius that I am I didn't eat before I left so by the time I finished eating I was shaking, that was not a good feeling. Soon as I got home I made myself a Ham sandwich with Salami slice, mmm. After I stopped shaking long enough I took a quick pick of my work haha.
Later, my friends call me up to hang out and they end up picking me up and went to their place. But on the way there we came across a street sign that made me go "WTF!?" I took a picture of it with my phone.
We just played Xbox, ordered some Mexican food and watched the De La Hoya fight. Afterwards we decided to go on a slurpee run at 7/11
Today was my friends Birthday so went with him to his family's house to celebrate. Guess what I made?
Here's me looking weird.
After he blew out the candles and opened his gifts we went downstairs and played GTA IV on the PS3, so much fun.
Let's hope the following week can continue like this
I'm very excited to have seen Atmosphere debut in the top five with their latest CD. And for an independent group too? That's pretty much unheard of. PLEASE check them out, for me?