It's not a compliment, get your song on
(You) Who you trying to be?
Got no tolerance left for drama
(You) You would like to go free
Jump off the fence, let your claws out
(You) You remind me of me
Rough up all of them till they gone
This weekend was pretty much awesome! I woke up around seven since couldn't go back to sleep so I went for a run which is good since I haven't had much time to go to the gym or work out. I get back around ten and took a shower and changed. I tried making breakfast but there wasn't any cereal, pancake mix, toast there were bagels but no cream cheese so I couldn't eat it. I ended up making biscuits.
Afterwards, I went over to my friends since it was his brother's birthday and I wanted to get my birthday hits in haha. I gave him his nineteen hits (and one to grow on.) We just ended up hanging around the house before going out to Dave & Buster's, it was fun. While we waited I decided to bake some cookies
I've been in such a baking mood lately I think I might go to cooking school, what do you think?
Best part about Friday, the print I ordered from Vanessa came in the mail. I was so excited about that, I still need to get it framed but I'll do that on Tuesday before the show for sure
I spent the night Saturday at my friend's and got home Saturday. Showered, changed and went to work to pick up my schedule, I only work two days for ten hours... sucks, oh well. I ended up going into Hot Topic and talk to the manager there since we always have something to talk about, always random. Then I ended up going to DC for the Paramore/Jimmy Eat world show, it was ok. I wasn't fully into the show, especially when I dropped my phone and I lost the case but I was able to find it once the lights were on. Only good part of the night is that I met this girl at the promo stand giving out flyers for upcoming shows in the area. She was cool, she is a big fan Brand New AND Atmosphere- score! Usually it's great when I meet someone who's into either Brand New or Atmosphere, so when they like both I just think that's great. I'm supposed to see her again Tuesday at the Atmosphere show so I'll see what happens there. After the show it was raining hard, thunderstorms. Luckily, my friend goes to school at AU so I was able to stay at his for the night. It's funny because he's gay- well him being gay isn't the funny part it was just the comments he was making. "You sure you feel comfortable falling asleep around me?" The funniest was when he started quoting the MadTV Abercrombie skits. "Hey fly boy, those low-rise cargos hit your landing zone right above your splash down." HAHA
I got home Sunday morning and as soon as I switch phone batteries my friend calls me talking about wanting to hang out. I'm not one to stay home long so of course I said yes. She comes over and I shower, change etc. and we head out. We went to this Mexican restaurant called Rio Grand Cafe which is one of my favorite places to eat. They have some of the best quesadillas and horchatas, FTW! Then since the movie theater is right across, we ended up seeing Forgetting Sarah Marshall which was hilarious. I just wasn't expecting a frontal male nudity scene, let alone three."I just went from six to midnight" haha, love it. We just ended up going to 7/11 for a slurpee run afterwards and going to her place to hang out. We played the Wii (which I still need to get) and watching movies, and now I'm home. All in all, this weekend was fun and it's going to lead into this week and into the next weekend so I'm really excited about that.
On a side note,
I got out of the shower and looked at my hair and I don't really like it. I've been growing it back out since December when my barber fucked up my hair by cutting it too short. Only reason I'm letting it grow was because it was a joke I made with my friend. I made a joke how I've never met a spanish emo kid, since unlike emo's, spanish people have real problems, haha. Then she said I was close enough to one with my depression that I should grow my hair out and get the emo bangs but with an urban look. But I'm getting tired of not being able to do anything with my hair at the moment, other than gelling it. But when I do that I just feel like a douche for some reason. So I might just end up cutting it instead of going for the "urban emo" look
This is my hair at the moment...
Well, I'm going to leave you all with something I mentioned earlier in the blog.
The MadTV Abercrombie skits... enjoy!