I don't know why, but this song has been playing in my head ALL DAY! But I'm not complaining, it's one of my favorite songs. I rock the shit out of it in "Rock Band" haha. I'll try to get a video of me doing so

That's it, I have nothing else to report except that I had to reschedule my tattoo appointment to next Saturday instead of this Friday. It sucks, but there is no way I'll be able to get it done and catch my flight to KY for the weekend, which is going to be a blast! Also, I want to get my snakebites done but I can't because of my job since it's not part of the "SoCal" look- BULLSHIT! So I guess I did have something to report haha.
But on that note, I'm off to bed since I have to be at work by 6- bleh.
Buenas noches a todos en SG land!