Just testing I guess, wondering if the thing is going to break on me.

Its weird because on one hand I dont like too much the changes that have been made here (as they seem to have oriented the site towards something that I have studiously avoided) and yet I also feel bad for the designers who have put in a lot of work and...
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Gah I have just felt lousy all day... sat here now in T-Shirt, trousers, and bathrobe like some lame-ass Arthur Dent.

Argh I hate feeling like this... you know you want to puke but all you can do is retch.... gah!! Spent most of the night either wanting to or actually doing so.... didnt go into work today and just layed in bed until about...
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I also think the need to make up words or phrases for sex (rather than just "sex") has something to do with with the puritan ideals about keeping sex private....we're all more sexual maybe but we still have a hard time talking about sex honestly. I remember my first girlfriend and I could just NOT say the word "sex"....we made up all these little phrases for it that didn't have anything to do with sex, because we were to shy to talk about it clearly.
Nothing really noteworthy happened in the last couple of days to me personally, other than feeling sick as a dog and frequently getting to enjoy a closeup view of the toilet bowl, so I am going to have a little rant.

"How gay is that?"

Someone used that phrase recently when I was talking to them and although they were joking it set me thinking....
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the world is gay hehehe just kidding
Okay well that day could have gone better, yeah the master of understatement *sighs*

The client pulled the plug on us for installing the system because they are too busy and now we have to wait until January. I cant believe how so many people have worked like hell to get this in and its fallen through as the chimes begin to strike. Literrally stressed...
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Ooooooh, which airport are you near?
I was right near Gatport Airwick for 5 years. Them were the days.
thank you !!! i am so glad you liked it.
What a weird and crappy morning. We have MAJOR customers in the office at the moment trying to rip apart our system before it goes live at their site in two weeks. Bad news is they are succeeding so I was lucky (and probably bad) to sneak away for some lunch. On one hand one of the guys is there burning me a load of...
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voldo is the most repugnant video game character ever. blech.
and i love rasputina.
i hope your friends are both ok.
You know what? I am chuffed to bits for someone I would like to consider a friend one day. She is the person who introduced me to this site and it seems she is going to fulfil a depp-seated wish to actually join the exhalted ranks of the Suicide Girls!!!

How friggin' cool is that???

Seriously this woman is so cool and has more attitude...
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welcome to SG!
Well first of all I would like to say thanks to the four kind souls who greeted me here (LittleLoco, Siren, Ophelia and Melinda). Only been a member of SG for two days now and so far I it rocks!

At first my comments were kind of unfocused because I really did not know what to say (ShelteredSpirit was a very apt name to use)...
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Well I finally joined the site after visiting as a guest for over a week after one of my online contacts recommended the site blush I don't know why I was so paranoid about it now and even opted for a public profile. You wont be seeing my pic here though because 1) I am in the major freak bracket (and not in a good way)...
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thanks a lot. i really appreciate your comment you left on my thread.
congratulations on joining! now you can never turn back! biggrin