What a strange day.
I woke up this morning to find some posting deleted and that just really annoyed me, I am talking deep down lurking anger. Tried so hard to be constructive because I know all two well mouth off rhetoric gets you no where and then its gone, to those staff that may have deleted it and thinking what an idiot all I can say is that I took a fair while to craft that in a positive spirit and as such having it deleted like that made me feel as you must when someone slams your work. I'm sorry if that upset anyone but I genuinly cannot think of anything that was stated that would do that *confused* but apologies. I like this community and its one I want to feel part of so ...
Just reading Olivia's journal about how all this has affected her is like looking in a mirror, I guess somehow I expected someone that comes across like that to handle things better and not be as fragile as I can be. It is a painful thought that when I have deliberately tried to be careful with the words chosen that it could hurt someone in a way I know all too well, I can only hope that what few comments I made were lost in the much more vocal and direct mess.
Dont know now if I am compromising my own principles, being mad, or being embarrased.
I woke up this morning to find some posting deleted and that just really annoyed me, I am talking deep down lurking anger. Tried so hard to be constructive because I know all two well mouth off rhetoric gets you no where and then its gone, to those staff that may have deleted it and thinking what an idiot all I can say is that I took a fair while to craft that in a positive spirit and as such having it deleted like that made me feel as you must when someone slams your work. I'm sorry if that upset anyone but I genuinly cannot think of anything that was stated that would do that *confused* but apologies. I like this community and its one I want to feel part of so ...
Just reading Olivia's journal about how all this has affected her is like looking in a mirror, I guess somehow I expected someone that comes across like that to handle things better and not be as fragile as I can be. It is a painful thought that when I have deliberately tried to be careful with the words chosen that it could hurt someone in a way I know all too well, I can only hope that what few comments I made were lost in the much more vocal and direct mess.
Dont know now if I am compromising my own principles, being mad, or being embarrased.