How did you take this picture? Oh i see! it's like in the movies where they just have the background that is fake and it just rotates so it looks like you are on the road! Clever! smile
Dang! you took all of the mystery out of it! i was going to raise hundreds of gillions of dollars to waste on research to find out how you did it! now i can't screw rich people out of their money! frown
love u dont know how much u love some one till u loose them whether they die.get divorced or break up. dont take the ones that u love love for granted whether they are ur wife or husband, fiance or fiancee,boyfriend or girlfriend, brother or sister, mother or father, grandfather or grandmother, aunt or uncle, neese or nephew, cusin or friend. cus they can go...
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Photographer meeting tomorrow wish me luck hopefully going to have my set done by the end of the month.... i am sleepy and have so much to get done just not enough time.... leave me love.

SheLLz <3
This friday March 9th is going to be 3 years i have been single. This is making me take a serious look at my life. It makes me wonder what i am doing wrong or if it is even me. I am sick of being lonely and i am sick of not having someone who is there for me that cares and can honestly tell...
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You single? That's very hard for a cutie like you. Normally, a girl cute as you is usually with someone, but rare that you are single. Maybe it's just my way of thinking, but I've been single for too many years to count since I got out of H.S. Never been in a relationship either. If you really want to be in a relationship, pursue it, but you have to be ready mentally and emotionally, otherwise, you jump into without thinking, it's a train wreck waiting to happen.

You seem like a sweetie, I would date you in a heartbeat. smile
...it comes when you're not looking for it. always.

i like the new picture (i think its new?). keep'em coming
I am bored! This is my first night at home and it feels weird. Didn't really have the best weekend but i had an interesting one. Friday was my sisters birthday i got so drunk i passed out after 2 hours of drinking. Saturday i had work and was recovering from the night before and today all i did was work.

The sum of my...
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Maybe I should start looking for my special lady myself...but with my schedule, it may be difficult. You look cute hon.. love love
i would love to see your photos? is the offer still standing?
Found a photographer finally! I am going to meet him tomorrow with a friend and if all is good then i will be shooting my set within the next two weeks. yay me! lol i took some pics on my cell cause i was bored some of them came out ok by my standards but i plan on stepping it up for my shoot i...
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good luck new friend!
Hooray... i guess i am at school right now its fucking butt ass cold and i kinda wish i was at home in bed. I don't get out of school until 10:10pm and i plan on going on my webcam when i get home so if anyone wants to view let me know i am looking for opinions on my look so let me know...
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This is probably one of the saddest things you are going to hear. I met this great guy. He has never lied to me and best of all he cares for me more than anyone. He had told me he doesnt want a girl friend... last night i asked him why and he told me hes one of those guys that a relationship is everything...
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ahhhh people. aren't they terrifiic

I would hurt you if you kept me up since I was up for about 20 hours brat tongue
hey if it includes me orgamsing then it already is in my dream wink

peace love and ANAL! lol
Had a bad night now myspace is being gay... i just want some sleep and to forget about tonight... only good thing it was my last night working at denny's
I had a great night! lol Gmr and boys lol now its sleepy time so i can actually go to work tomorrow night... and possibly kick it with a boy... night everyone
You know those people that it seems like they get everything in life? I'm not one of them. I have been lied to and hurt by most of the people i used to hold close to me. It has gone from good to ok to bad to worse which leaves me where i am now.

I keep trying to be this nice happy person and...
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You should always trust your instincts! I hope things get better for you and I want you to know that you're right, karma is a bitch and all who treat people like shit (guys and girls alike) will get what's coming to them. I've watched it happen a lot.
Your blog reminds me of my girl's best friend Cat. She's a tough cookie but she keeps getting screwed over by jerks. She's making it though! Good things are starting to happen for her so I think they'll happen for you too. I hope so. You seem like you deserve good things. So good luck and chin up! smile
Ok soooooooooooooooooooo i called off work tonight cause i dont feel like working till 2am... whats the worst they are gonna do fire me? too bad my two weeks notice was put in a week ago so fuck them. i am still trying to get my photoset done and i still need to scan my 5 page thingie to send in... its raining right now...
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