i was going to try to read and comment back on some friends journals tonight, but my computer
is fucking mad slow!
the last comment i left took about three minutes to load
so i guess im taking a little hiatus away from here until my computer magically fixes itself...
maybe it just needs a break?
here is a guilty pleasure of mine from the early 80's...
because teenage hookers avenging their dead friends is pretty fucking cool!
especially when they still attend highschool and they are on the honor roll and shit.
i got in touch recently with an old friend from highschool who i havent spoken to or seen in about eight years..
and it looks like an oldschool brockton high punk reunion is in the works!
this could be a lot of fun
hopefully my computer will be back and running a bit faster soon...
in the meantime, you guys take care
i was going to try to read and comment back on some friends journals tonight, but my computer
is fucking mad slow!
the last comment i left took about three minutes to load

so i guess im taking a little hiatus away from here until my computer magically fixes itself...
maybe it just needs a break?
here is a guilty pleasure of mine from the early 80's...
because teenage hookers avenging their dead friends is pretty fucking cool!
especially when they still attend highschool and they are on the honor roll and shit.
i got in touch recently with an old friend from highschool who i havent spoken to or seen in about eight years..
and it looks like an oldschool brockton high punk reunion is in the works!
this could be a lot of fun

hopefully my computer will be back and running a bit faster soon...
in the meantime, you guys take care

Just wanted to say hi. Hope all is going well.