maggots truly gross me out..
and i had to see about a hundred of them tonight being flushed out of a cats wound
the cat was in pretty rough shape so eventually the owner opted for euthanasia...
also i had to deal with an extremely rude and irate client this evening,
actually quite a few of us at the hospital had to deal with this couple today... very high maintenance,
but i opened up my mouth to one of the bosses about how horrible these people were to staff, and it ended up that my boss called them and pretty much fired them!
they are no longer welcome back at our clinic
I'm so glad i have perfected the art of bitching.
in other news, tonight i came home from a terrible day of work to get a great message on my answering machine from my friend Mike (not SurlyMike who is another great friend)
but my friend Mike from highschool..
he just said that he was being the D.J. at some club tonight and he was thinking of me and playing some Old school Ministry...
it put a little smile on my face.
I'm thinking that at least once in my lifetime i need a wonderful moment like dancing on a rooftop to "The Jams"
Town called Malice...
doesnt everyone?
if only everybody could get out their aggression through dance,
the world might be a better place because of it...
i havent checked yet to see if any of my friends updated their journals today...
ive been kind of out of it tonight, so forgive me if i dont respond right away.
so for now some questions..
1) Favorite role with Chloris Leachman? who looks amazing for an 81 yr old woman by the way...
2) best Mel Brooks film?
3) Donnie Darko... are you a fan?
4) favorite western?
5) best performance by Cher in a film?
6) Favorite Alfred Hitchcock movie?
7) Minor Threat... yes or no?
8) Devo or The B-52's?
9) Richard Burton... fan or no?
10) do you have a favorite performance by Sean Penn?
thats it for now,
i asked my hubby to cancel my account,
but he is being stubborn!
i think he is being a little codependant (i spelled that wrong!)
and likes to see my obnoxious profile pic on this site for some reason....
catch up with everyone soon
and i had to see about a hundred of them tonight being flushed out of a cats wound

the cat was in pretty rough shape so eventually the owner opted for euthanasia...
also i had to deal with an extremely rude and irate client this evening,
actually quite a few of us at the hospital had to deal with this couple today... very high maintenance,
but i opened up my mouth to one of the bosses about how horrible these people were to staff, and it ended up that my boss called them and pretty much fired them!
they are no longer welcome back at our clinic

I'm so glad i have perfected the art of bitching.
in other news, tonight i came home from a terrible day of work to get a great message on my answering machine from my friend Mike (not SurlyMike who is another great friend)
but my friend Mike from highschool..
he just said that he was being the D.J. at some club tonight and he was thinking of me and playing some Old school Ministry...
it put a little smile on my face.
I'm thinking that at least once in my lifetime i need a wonderful moment like dancing on a rooftop to "The Jams"
Town called Malice...
doesnt everyone?
if only everybody could get out their aggression through dance,
the world might be a better place because of it...
i havent checked yet to see if any of my friends updated their journals today...
ive been kind of out of it tonight, so forgive me if i dont respond right away.
so for now some questions..
1) Favorite role with Chloris Leachman? who looks amazing for an 81 yr old woman by the way...
2) best Mel Brooks film?
3) Donnie Darko... are you a fan?
4) favorite western?
5) best performance by Cher in a film?
6) Favorite Alfred Hitchcock movie?
7) Minor Threat... yes or no?
8) Devo or The B-52's?
9) Richard Burton... fan or no?
10) do you have a favorite performance by Sean Penn?
thats it for now,
i asked my hubby to cancel my account,
but he is being stubborn!
i think he is being a little codependant (i spelled that wrong!)
and likes to see my obnoxious profile pic on this site for some reason....
catch up with everyone soon

Don't you dare cancel and please for goodness sake if you do keep in touch with me! I unfortunately cannot answer your questions because I am not a movie buff yet... However I am a fan of Donnie Darko, and I laugh at all Mel Brooke films especially Space Balls, I only like The Quick and The Dead cause Sharon Stone is hot, and Vertigo, my mom made us watch that over and over when we had our first Beta player! LOL how funny is that. Cher- Witches of Eastwick and B-52's. Sean Penn hummmm............Don't remember the name of the movie but he was a crack head drug addict who needed a new heart to live. Okay looks like I answered most of them anyway. I wish you the best this week. Take care and thank you for the lovely compliment on my set.

I would very much like to make you a CD! Since I'm not trying to romance you with it, I need a theme. You have to give me some kind of style, era, topic, etc. to work from. I mean, I could just make you a CD of what I'm listening to lately, too, but I'd rather make you something clever.