after all these years, "A little romance" still makes me a bit weepy!
to think it was like Diane Lanes first movie...
damn how time flies!
anyway, my highlight of the day was the fact that two clients of our animal hospital brought me vegetables from their garden.
I felt special...
one of the zuchinni's given to me weighed in at almost five fucking pounds!
thing could have been used as a weapon...
instead its gonna end up being grilled.
anyway, i dont really feel like updating,
ive been a little bit lost for words these last couple weeks.
but i will say this,
Shakespeare is not always boring
questions if you are up for it
1) do you have a favorite stoner comedy?
2) how about a favorite Dario Argento film?
3) Vince Vaughn or Ben Stiller?
4) best song by The Clash?
5) Marlon Brando or James Dean?
6) are you a fan of Mamie Van Doren?
7) Jayne Mansfield or Marilyn Monroe?
8) best performance by Jane Fonda?
9) how bout Gregory Peck?
10) favorite song by The Jam?
11) one of the best videos to come out of the 80's?
12) New order or The cure?
13) Led zeppelin or The who?
14) best horror film within the last couple years?
15) Ben Kingsley is awesome..... yes or no?
i'll stop there.
sorry ive been a little less active,
but good books are a great indulgence.
did i spell that right?
to think it was like Diane Lanes first movie...
damn how time flies!
anyway, my highlight of the day was the fact that two clients of our animal hospital brought me vegetables from their garden.
I felt special...
one of the zuchinni's given to me weighed in at almost five fucking pounds!
thing could have been used as a weapon...
instead its gonna end up being grilled.
anyway, i dont really feel like updating,
ive been a little bit lost for words these last couple weeks.
but i will say this,
Shakespeare is not always boring
questions if you are up for it
1) do you have a favorite stoner comedy?
2) how about a favorite Dario Argento film?
3) Vince Vaughn or Ben Stiller?
4) best song by The Clash?
5) Marlon Brando or James Dean?
6) are you a fan of Mamie Van Doren?
7) Jayne Mansfield or Marilyn Monroe?
8) best performance by Jane Fonda?
9) how bout Gregory Peck?
10) favorite song by The Jam?
11) one of the best videos to come out of the 80's?
12) New order or The cure?
13) Led zeppelin or The who?
14) best horror film within the last couple years?
15) Ben Kingsley is awesome..... yes or no?
i'll stop there.
sorry ive been a little less active,
but good books are a great indulgence.
did i spell that right?

We'll kidnap you if you pay for it!
Did you eat all of that ice cream yourself, Shel? You should have!