looks like i am going to have to learn how to put up my silly faces the old fashioned way!
i'll miss just clicking on those emoticons to make them work...
wasnt SG staff informed of my moronic computer skills?
i'm a wee bit unhappy about this!
and i cant even post a sad face to boot.
so i need you smart people to help me out a bit.
and no,
i'm not proud of being this fucking stupid, but i have no problem being honest about it.
some film recommendations for you folks...
1) The China Syndrome
2) Ordinary People
3) The Piano
4) From dusk til dawn
5) Andy Warhols "Bad"
6) Urban Cowboy (no really, its a good film!)
7) Dinner at eight
8) Chocolat
9) The Player
10) Pretty Poison
thats it for now...
p.s its eleven thirty p.m
and my emoticons are working!!
happy to have you back guys!
looks like i am going to have to learn how to put up my silly faces the old fashioned way!
i'll miss just clicking on those emoticons to make them work...
wasnt SG staff informed of my moronic computer skills?
i'm a wee bit unhappy about this!
and i cant even post a sad face to boot.
so i need you smart people to help me out a bit.
and no,
i'm not proud of being this fucking stupid, but i have no problem being honest about it.
some film recommendations for you folks...
1) The China Syndrome
2) Ordinary People
3) The Piano
4) From dusk til dawn
5) Andy Warhols "Bad"
6) Urban Cowboy (no really, its a good film!)
7) Dinner at eight
8) Chocolat
9) The Player
10) Pretty Poison
thats it for now...
p.s its eleven thirty p.m
and my emoticons are working!!

happy to have you back guys!
Let's see what I found out about your film recommendations (and some random thoughts):
1. The title refers to the concept, mentioned only jokingly in the film, that if an American nuclear plant melts down, it will melt through the Earth until it reaches China. See Wikipedia
2. That must have been the directorial debut of Robert Redford.
3. Great movie. I use it here to refer to another movie (La Pianiste from Michael Haneke where I saw some very angry woman walk out of the movie in London and demanding her money back) and finally a book (on which the movie is based and I think it's worth to read - I was introduced to it by a very funny and sarcastic East-German nurse) called The Piano Teacher (in English).
4. I prefer Four Rooms.
5. I haven't seen a lot of his film work.
6. "It has been claimed that the film fared poorly at the box office, but in fact it grossed almost $54 million in the United States alone, more than Saturday Night Fever (plus a further $24,000,000 in video rentals)." - see Wikipedia
7. "As originally filmed, Carlotta's dog was named Mussolini but due to changing political climate, his name was post-dubbed as Tarzan, even though Marie Dressler's lips are clearly saying the first name." - see IMDB
8. "Two of the actors appeared earlier together in The Unbearable Lightness of Being." - Which ones?
9. "Was a comeback to making films in Hollywood."
10. I would like to see his short "Skaterdater".