Had a great weekend of film watching,
Took in three movies in the last two days and two of them were part of that whole "Eight films to die for" horror festival.
One of them was called "The Gravedancers" and it was a lot of fun, kind of in the same realm as "The evil dead",
part comedy/ part horror.
Throw in some bad acting here and there, cheesy dialogue, over the top special effects... an axe wielding ghost emerging from the ceiling a la William Castle, and you have what could be destined for a cult classic!
The audience actually clapped after the showing.
Of course, if you are looking for a die hard horror film, then avoid this one at all costs.
But if you like your horror mixed up with a little camp, then its worth checking out.
Yesterday i finally had a chance to see "Borat" with Dorwayin, JoshXXX, and the beautiful Testykitty,
funny and painfully awkward at times, it delivers in the laugh department, but will make you cringe to see how some good ol fashioned americans come across (read hateful, homophobic, and ignorant)
I recommend this one, as some of the scenes are pretty fucking hysterical.
oh, the other film i saw on saturday at the horror fest was called "Penny Dreadful", and this one made me all sweaty and nervous.
The lead actress Rachel Miner was excellent (the only other film i have seen her in was "Bully")
but she just nails that character that is crippled with phobias and anxieties.
Personally, i think the film should have been called "Sucks to be Penny"... but thats just me.
This movie literally traps you in a car with this girl for quite some time, while a psycho just toys with her, and basically assaults her everytime she tries to get out of said car.
I think i liked it more than the girls i went with, but i found it very suspenseful and for the most part semi believable.
I would have tried a different ending though.
I'll catch up with my bookmarks later, as i have to get ready for work and might possibly have company over tonight.
but of course i'll leave you with the trailer for "Penny Dreadful"
hope you all had a good weekend, and if you get the chance check out the story i submitted in the celeb section about Jackie Earle Haley (you guys know i love the film "Breaking away", so i just felt inspired by a good hollywood comeback story)
a huge thanks to Alyk for editing it and basically making it presentable
and it hasn't gotten to many mean comments, so i'm happy about that
talk soon
Took in three movies in the last two days and two of them were part of that whole "Eight films to die for" horror festival.
One of them was called "The Gravedancers" and it was a lot of fun, kind of in the same realm as "The evil dead",
part comedy/ part horror.
Throw in some bad acting here and there, cheesy dialogue, over the top special effects... an axe wielding ghost emerging from the ceiling a la William Castle, and you have what could be destined for a cult classic!
The audience actually clapped after the showing.
Of course, if you are looking for a die hard horror film, then avoid this one at all costs.
But if you like your horror mixed up with a little camp, then its worth checking out.
Yesterday i finally had a chance to see "Borat" with Dorwayin, JoshXXX, and the beautiful Testykitty,
funny and painfully awkward at times, it delivers in the laugh department, but will make you cringe to see how some good ol fashioned americans come across (read hateful, homophobic, and ignorant)
I recommend this one, as some of the scenes are pretty fucking hysterical.
oh, the other film i saw on saturday at the horror fest was called "Penny Dreadful", and this one made me all sweaty and nervous.
The lead actress Rachel Miner was excellent (the only other film i have seen her in was "Bully")
but she just nails that character that is crippled with phobias and anxieties.
Personally, i think the film should have been called "Sucks to be Penny"... but thats just me.
This movie literally traps you in a car with this girl for quite some time, while a psycho just toys with her, and basically assaults her everytime she tries to get out of said car.
I think i liked it more than the girls i went with, but i found it very suspenseful and for the most part semi believable.
I would have tried a different ending though.
I'll catch up with my bookmarks later, as i have to get ready for work and might possibly have company over tonight.
but of course i'll leave you with the trailer for "Penny Dreadful"

hope you all had a good weekend, and if you get the chance check out the story i submitted in the celeb section about Jackie Earle Haley (you guys know i love the film "Breaking away", so i just felt inspired by a good hollywood comeback story)
a huge thanks to Alyk for editing it and basically making it presentable

and it hasn't gotten to many mean comments, so i'm happy about that

talk soon
Happy Thanksgiving to you and D...

so I've been uploading pics all damn day. I emailed you a few albums already, but the very first one I mailed were the ones from the brockton fair, but I don't think they went through. let me know if you got them or not. thanks. bye!